The SAREF reference ontology patterns provide guidelines on how to use and extend SAREF concepts and relationships for the modelling and the description of any kind of applications-related data/information/systems. The SAREF reference ontology patterns can be applied to different verticals to provide the SAREF suite of ontologies a homogeneous and predictable structure, and to achieve higher semantic interoperability.
In SAREF, commands represent the lowest-level directives a device supports and exposes to some network. Commands can act upon (OP saref:actsUpon and its sub-properties) features, properties, or states. While commands are independent of any function, commands of interest are commands actually supported by a function of interest.
The figure below illustrates the main classes and properties in the SAREF Core patterns for Commands.
SAREF extensions should create instances of the class saref:Command, such that they can be reused in different SAREF applications.
SAREF applications may also create specific instances of the class saref:Command.
The identifier and the label of an instance of command should end with "Command", and its comment may mention "command kind" or "kind of command".
ex:OpenCommand a saref:Command ; rdfs:label "Open command"@en ; rdfs:comment "A command to put some feature of interest in an open state. This command has no input or output parameter."@en ; saref:controls ex:OpenClose .
SAREF extensions may define a taxonomy of commands using skos:broader
and skos:narrower
The identifier, the label, and the comment of an instance of saref:Command should explicit its position in the taxonomy of commands.
NOTE: The set of commands is specialized down the taxonomy of functions. The observed or controlled property or state may be specialized, input and output may be added, specialized, etc.
EXAMPLE: ex:OffCommand, may be a specialization of ex:OnOffCommand.
SAREF extensions and applications may define categories of commands by creating sub-classes of saref:Command.
The identifier, the label and the comment of a sub-class of saref:Command should explicit its position in the hierarchy of function classes.
The identifier, and the label of a command class should end with "CommandCategory", and its comment should mention "command category" or "category of commands".
EXAMPLE: The class ex:TemperatureInputCommandCategory groups commands that take the ex:Temperature property as input.
ex:TemperatureAsInputCommandCategory a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf saref:Command, [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty saref:hasInput; owl:hasValue ex:Temperature ] ; rdfs:label "Temperature As Input Command Category"@en ; rdfs:comment "Category of commands that take a temperature as input."@en .
SAREF extensions should not create specific instances of the class saref:CommandOfInterest, as they are meant to be specific to an application. The only exception to this provision is if the associated function of interest is intended to be used by most applications of the SAREF extension.
Given a command of interest belongs to exactly one function, itself belonging to exactly one device, its identifier should consist of the identifier of the function, followed by character '/' and a local identifier for the command.
A specific instance of the class saref:CommandOfInterest should link to its kind (an instance of saref:Command) using property saref:hasCommandKind, and to the unique function of interest it is a command of using OP saref:isCommandOfInterestOf.
SAREF extensions should not define sub-classes of saref:CommandOfInterest, as this would duplicate information already part of the taxonomy of commands.
SAREF extensions and applications shall not define sub-properties of the following properties:
SAREF extensions and applications may define sub-properties of OP saref:hasInput. The identifier, the label, and the comment, of such a sub-property should contain "Input".
EXAMPLE 1: ex:hasTargetColorInput and ex:hasTransitionTimeInput.
SAREF extensions and applications may define sub-properties of OP saref:hasOutput. The identifier, the label, and the comment, of such a sub-property should contain with "Output".
EXAMPLE 2: ex:hasOutputTemperature, ex:hasOutputHumidity.