@prefix s4ener: <https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/> .
PREFIX s4ener: <https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/>
The present document is a technical specification of SAREF4ENER, an extension of SAREF [2] that was created in collaboration with EEBus (http://www.eebus.org/en), the major Germany-based industry association, and the Flexiblepower Alliance Network (FAN, https://flexible-energy.eu/) to enable the interconnection of their (different) data models.
This documentation is a technical specification of SAREF4ENER, an extension of SAREF [1] for the energy domain. The present document was created based on the CENELEC standards EN 50631:2023, parts 1-4 [2] and EN 50491 12 2 [3], in collaboration with the Horizon 2020 project Interconnect [i.8], and with industry associations such as EEBus (http://www.eebus.org/en), Energy@Home (http://www.energy-home.it), KNX (https://www.knx.org/), and the Flexible power Alliance Network (FAN, https://flexible-energy.eu/).
The SAREF4ENER extension should be used to annotate (or generate) a neutral (protocol-independent) set of messages to be directly adopted by the various smart appliance manufacturers, or mapped to from their domain specific protocols of choice. These messages can be exchanged by energy smart appliances with an Energy Management System (EMS) to efficiently optimize energy consumption and production within the constraints set by the user.
Two international domain standards guided the work of developing the SAREF4ENER extension: EN 50631 series [2] with a set of data elements called SPINE and SPINE IoT resources and EN 50491-12-2 [3] with data elements called S2 resources [i.5] and [i.6]. Furthermore, new requirements as well as EN 50631:2023, parts 1-4 [2] and EN 50491 12 2 [3] concepts have been elaborated, implemented, and tested in the European Horizon 2020 project InterConnect within about 15 large scale pilots in 7 countries.
The main addition that SAREF4ENER provides on top of SAREF Core is a set of saref:Profiles that describe the energy flexibility capabilities of a device (see clause 4.2.3). These profiles are drawn from the SPINE/SPINE IoT [2] and the S2 data model [3], with some occurring in both and some in either. For example, the Power Profile flexibility type is described in both S2 and SPINE/IoT, so is merged into a single SAREF representation (see clause The S2 Power Envelope and SPINE Power Limits also show enough similarities for an implementation with several shared concepts (see clause The remaining types of flexibility are unique to either S2 or SPINE: Incentive Tables are defined in SPINE, whereas Operation Mode, Fill Rate Based, and Demand Driven energy flexibility are control types defined in S2 [i.5].
The SAREF4ENER extension additionally describes flexibility instructions (see clause 4.2.5) separately from the flexibility profiles. These instructions describe the communication taking place between a device and the EMS to decide on the energy flexibility plan, such as offers from the device and requests from a EMS. A real-time check on the monitoring of power consumption is facilitated via the reuse of the main SAREF module and the load control use case (see clause 4.2.4). Finally, the SAREF4ENER extension provides a modelling approach for data points and time series (see clause 4.2.6), which is necessary for modelling the various forecasts and data elements involved.
An overview of the SAREF4ENER (V1.2.1) ontology is provided in Figure 1. In the image, classes are represented as rectangles. Relationships (object properties) between entities are represented as arrows. Arrows are additionally used to represent some RDF, RDF-S and OWL constructs, more precisely: plain arrows with white triangles represent the rdfs:subClassOf relation between two classes. The origin of the arrow shall be considered as the subclass of the entity at the destination of the arrow. Dashed arrows accompanied by the expression rdf:type are used to indicate that the individual at the origin of the arrow is an instance of the class placed at the end of the arrow. Datatype properties and class restrictions are presented as plain text and positioned within the boxes of the rectangles. The green color is used to distinguish SAREF core entities. The blue color is used for highlighting the classes and properties already existing in the previous version of SAREF4ENER (V1.1.2). The white color is used to denote the classes and properties that have been added in the SAREF4ENER version specified in the present document (V1.2.1). Note that Figure 1 aims at showing a global overview of the main classes of SAREF4ENER and their mutual relations. More details on the different parts of Figure 1 are provided in the other subclauses of clause 4.2.
A s4ener:Device is a subclass of a saref:Device, i.e. it inherits the properties of the more general saref:Device and extends it with additional properties that are specific for SAREF4ENER. The s4ener:Device class is shown in Figure 3.
The s4ener:DemandDrivenProfile can be used for devices that can consume different types of energy resources such as electricity or natural gas, but that lack a way of buffering that energy. This may for example be a hybrid heat pump that is powered using either electricity of gas. The power demand is determined by the device, but the customer energy manager can choose how to generate that power.
The profile contains a set of saref:Actuators that describe the various ways that the demanded energy can be provided. These actuators may be (part of) the actual saref:Device that offers this profile. The forecast of the average demand rate (i.e. the amount of energy, heat, and any other resource that needs to be produced by a device in the near future) can be expressed by defining time series (s4ener:TimeSeries).
The s4ener:FillRateBasedProfile can be used for devices that can store energy (s4ener:Storage), such as heat pumps with a buffer, EVs, batteries, and even fridges and freezers. The saref:Actuators associated with this fill rate based profile can consume energy to fill the buffer. The information regarding the leakage behaviour of the storage and its fill level (i.e. a measure expressing how full the storage is) can respectively be defined through the classes s4ener:LeakageBehaviour and saref:Measurement via the properties s4ener:hasLeakageBehaviour and s4ener:presentFillLevel, respectively. The s4ener:LeakageBehaviour is always associated with an element detailing the leakage behaviour of the storage (s4ener:LeakageBehaviourElement). Ultimately, certain storage devices might have a fill-level target profile (s4ener:FillLevelTargetProfile) with its associated s4ener:FillLevelTargetProfileElement.
Devices that offer the s4ener:operationModeProfile can control the amount of power that they generate and/or consume, such as diesel generators and variable electrical resistors. The states in which devices fall in, such as "running at reduced power" or "running at full power", can be described as operation modes (s4ener:OperationMode). These operation modes have therefore been modelled as subclasses of saref:State. Transitions between operation modes can be defined as s4ener:Transition with associated timers (s4ener:Timer) that specify the minimum duration of a particular operation model.
The s4ener:IncentiveTableBasedProfile can be used to describe an incentive table, compiled of incentive table slots (s4ener:IncentiveTableSlot) as well as a power plan (s4ener:PowerPlan). Both are used to negotiate the allocation of upcoming energy usage of a device between the energy manager and the device. The incentive table is used by the energy manager to express the availability of energy via real and/or artificial incentives or costs over time. The device itself uses the table to negotiate the own demand and request the allocation by sending the resulting power plan to the energy manager.
Incentive types can be expressed in the form of relative costs (s4ener:RelativeCost), absolute costs (s4ener:AbsoluteCost), CO2 emissions (s4ener:CO2Emission), and renewable energy percentage (s4ener:RenewableEnergyPercentage). An incentive table also defines a scope type (s4ener:ScopeType) to indicate whether it is a preliminary (s4ener:Preliminary) or committed version (s4ener:Committed).
An incentive table consists of a number of slots (s4ener:IncentiveTableSlot) where each slot may contain a series of incentives (s4ener:Incentive) representing various tiers (s4ener:Tier). Each tier may be linked to a particular energy source, such as the grid, solar panels, or surplus power. Each incentive describes the cost, expressed as a unit applicable to the s4ener:IncentiveType, for that power source in the particular (time) slot. The lower and optional upper boundary (s4ener:DataPoint) describe for each incentive at which level of power consumption it becomes applicable.
The power plan of a device is defined by a series of sets of data points (s4ener:TimeSeries). Each set of data points contains a time interval (time:Interval), a relation to a property (s4ener:Power), a binding to a minimum (s4ener:Minimum), average (s4ener:Average) or maximum (s4ener:Maximum) value and the value itself (saref:Measurement). Finally, it also contains a scope type (s4ener:ScopeType) to indicate whether it is a preliminary (s4ener:Preliminary) or committed value (s4ener:Committed).
An incentive table based profile can be used with any type of device.
A saref:Device offers a s4ener:PowerEnvelopeBasedProfile when the device is operating within a minimum and maximum amount of power for energy production and/or consumption per time block, but the production or consumption cannot be directly regulated by the energy manager. A PV panels inverter is a typical example, because the energy produced is dependent on the amount of sunshine. The EMS may constrain the power production of the PV panels below its potential to lower a peak.
The minimum and maximum amount of power that can be generated and/or spent by a device in a certain timespan can be set by instantiating the s4ener:PowerEnvelope and its corresponding s4ener:PowerConstraint. Power constraints are always bound to the allowed power limit ranges of a device (s4ener:AllowedLimitRange). The energy level of the s4ener:PowerEnvelope can be defined by using s4ener:TimeSeries. The type of the allowed limit ranges of a device (i.e. upper limit or lower limit) can be defined through the class s4ener:PowerEnvelopeLimitType. Commodity quantities relating to s4ener:PowerEnvelope can be described through the class s4ener:CommodityQuantity.
SAREF4ENER further specifies allowed limit ranges through the classes s4ener:ContractualPowerLimit, s4ener:NominalPowerLimit, and s4ener:FailsafePowerLimit. They are all subclasses of s4ener:PowerLimit which is the general upper-class of power limits. Power limits can be toggled active or inactive via the s4ener:isActive property. A device has nominal power consumption and/or production values (s4ener:NominalPowerLimit) when the manufacturers define quantifiable and measurable limits that has not to be exceeded. The failsafe values provided by the manufacturers has to be given as instances of saref:Measurement. In case the communication between a device and the energy manager is interrupted, the device enters a fail-safe state (s4ener:FailsafeState). Fail-safe values (s4ener:FailsafePowerLimit) apply until the communication is re established, with an optional minimal duration of the fail-safe state given in the s4ener:hasFailsafeDuration. Ultimately, a saref:Device is always bound to a s4ener:ContractualPowerLimit (which is defined in a specification by the manufacturers) and limited by a s4ener:FailsafePowerLimit.
This clause presents the classes of interest for smart energy management. These classes are used to schedule devices in certain modes and preferred times using power profiles to optimize energy efficiency and accommodate the customer's preferences (i.e. use case 2). These classes are s4ener:PowerProfile, s4ener:Alternative, s4ener:PowerSequence and s4ener:Slot, which are shown in Figure 4.
A s4ener:PowerProfile is a subclass of a saref:Profile, i.e. it inherits the properties of the more general saref:Profile extending it with additional properties that are specific for SAREF4ENER. The s4ener:PowerProfile is used by a s4ener:Device to expose the power sequences that are potentially relevant for the CEM. A s4ener:Device can expose a s4ener:PowerProfile, which consists of one or more alternative plans (s4ener:AlternativesGroup class). A s4ener:AlternativesGroup consists of one or more power sequences (s4ener:PowerSequence class), and a s4ener:PowerSequence consists of one or more slots (s4ener:Slot class). Inversely, a s4ener:Slot belongs to only and exactly one s4ener:PowerSequence, which, in turn, belongs to only and exactly one s4ener:AlternativesGroup, which, in turn, belongs to only and exactly one s4ener:PowerProfile. A s4ener:PowerProfile belongs to only and exactly one s4ener:Device.
The s4ener:AlternativesGroup consists of one or more power sequences (s4ener:PowerSequence class) and, inversely, a s4ener:PowerSequence belongs to only and exactly one s4ener:AlternativesGroup. Figure 5 shows the details of the s4ener:PowerSequence class.
The s4ener:PowerSequence consists of one or more slots (s4ener:Slot class) and, inversely, a s4ener:Slot belongs to only and exactly one s4ener:PowerSequence.
This clause presents the part of SAREF4ENER that defines how to model events used in, for example, a direct load management and power curtailing scenarios (i.e. use case 4). The classes of interest are s4ener:LoadControlEventData, s4ener:LoadControlEventAction, s4ener:LoadControlStateData and s4ener:LoadControlState, as shown in Figure 7.
The s4ener: LoadControlEventData class is used to represent overload warning severity level and related load control commands to a device. It is characterized by an event ID and a timestamp that represents the time the event information instance was created or received, and the time period that denotes the period of validity of the event. For example, 5 minutes ago an event was received which says that it shall take effect tomorrow from 14:00 to 15:30. In this event the timestamp is "5 minutes ago" and time period is "tomorrow from 14:00 to 15:30".
The s4ener:LoadControlEventAction class expresses the type of actions to be performed as a consequence of a load control event. A s4ener:LoadControlEventAction can be of type "consume" or "produce" to denote consumption or production of energy or power. Values for both consume and produce actions can be s4ener:emergency, s4ener:increase, s4ener:normal, s4ener:pause, s4ener:reduce, s4ener:resume.
The s4ener: LoadControlStateData class expresses the data about the state of an event and is characterized by the same event ID used in the s4ener:LoadControlEventData class, as well as a timestamp, and it is associated to the class s4ener:LoadControlState, which can be of type "consume" or "produce" - analogously to a load control event action – and expresses the possible states of a load control event. Values for both consume and produce load control states can be s4ener:eventAccepted, s4ener:eventStarted, s4ener:eventStopped, s4ener:eventRejected, s4ener:eventCancelled, or s4ener:eventError.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/ActivationDelayDurationDescription
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/ActiveDurationDescription
The duration description for the active duration (min and max, sum max and sum min) temporal entities
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/ActiveDurationMax
The active maximum duration a power sequence can run without interruption.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/ActiveDurationMin
The active mininum duration a power sequence can run without interruption.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/ActiveDurationSumMax
The active maximum duration a power sequence can run in total (summation of all active times).
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/ActiveDurationSumMin
The active minimum duration a power sequence must run in total (summation of all active times).
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/ActuatorLevel
Independent from the ActuatorSwitch class, the ActuatorLevel class enables a user or application to model LEVEL commands (start, up, percentageAbsolute, relative, etc.). This can be used to dim a light, set the speed of an electric motor, etc.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/ActuatorSwitch
Basic on/off operations on a simple actuator can be modelled with the ActuatorSwitch class. Whether the function turns a device itself ON or OFF, or whether it switches a specific feature, depends on the implementation. For example, one could model the super freeze program of a freezer using ActuatorSwitch class. An ON command would then activate the super freeze program and an OFF command would deactivate it. This example shall just give an idea how ActuatorSwitch can be used for more purposes than only turning devices on and off.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/AllowedLimitRange
The actual constraints of an Power Envelope Based Profile.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/AlternativesGroup
A collection of power sequences for a certain profile
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/AnticipationDurationDescription
The duration description for the anticipation duration temporal entities
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/CommodityQuantity
The various commodity quantities introduced by the S2 standard.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/ContractualPowerLimit
The contractual power limit of a device
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/DDBCInstruction
An Instruction as specified for an Demand Driven Based Control Profile.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/DataPoint
A data point is a quantity that is extended with various pieces of process information, namely
- A creation time (instant). This is the point in time when the data point was created, which is not necessarily the time for which it is valid. In the case of soft-sensors or forecasters, a data point might have been created ahead of time, in the case of a direcet measurement a data point might created at its time of validity (or at the end of its validity time interval) and in the case of an archived value the data point might have been created after the fact.
- A validity time (temporal entity) which will be named "time stamp". The validity time is the instant or interval in time in which a specific quantity is in effect. For example a room temperature might be measured at 12:00, which means it is in effect at this very instant. A specific amount of energy might me expended within the time-slot between 12:30 and 12:45, which means that the energy measurement is in effect during this time interval.
- A location or topological association. For example, a measurement might be taken in a specific room, a power avarage might have been measured by a specific meter, a forecast might be valid for a specific region or grid segment. This association is therefore not always a location.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/DefaultDuration
The duration of a slot (SHALL be present in case of 'determined slot'). If a slot has a configurable lenght, this element SHALL reflect the currently configured lenght
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/DefaultDurationDescription
The duration description for the default duration temporal entity
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/DemandDrivenProfile
The Flexibility Profile following the Demand Driven strategy.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Device
A specialization of a saref:Device that exposes a power profile with power sequences to the CEM (note that a s4ee:Device can also be called 'power sequence server'). Most of the existing devices can expose at most 1 power profile, but there are special cases in which more than one power profiles can be exposed by the same device. For example, consider the case of a combined fridge-freezer in which there are 2 logical devices (fridge and freezer) combined in 1 physical device. This combined device can expose 2 power profiles, one for the fridge and one for the freezer. A s4ee:Device (e.g. a household appliance or a smart meter) can also receive events about overload warning severity level and related load control commands (LoadControlEventData)
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/DurationUncertainty
The uncertainty of the duration
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/DurationUncertaintyDescription
The duration description for the duration uncertainty temporal entity
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EarliestStartTime
The earliest possible start time for a power sequence or a slot. Only 'xs:duration' value types SHALL be used to denote a relative time which relates to 'now' as time 0.
Note: This element applies to the first repetition of the slot number only.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/ElapsedSlotTime
If state is set to 'running' or 'paused' AND the slot is determined, this element CAN contain the time the slot has already been in 'running' state (this also means the value remains constant during a 'paused' state). Otherwise it SHALL be omitted.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EndInterruptionInstruction
An Instruction message indicating when an interruption can end.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EndTime
The endTime of a power sequence. If the value is available, it SHALL be denoted here. Otherwise the element SHALL be omitted.
The end time of a slot MAY be stated in this element. The following equation SHALL apply: endTime - startTime = defaultDuration.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EndTimeDurationDescription
The duration description for the end time duration temporal entities
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Energy
Energy type and value in a slot (i.e., Energy, EnergyMin, EnergyMax, EnergyExpected, EnergyStandardDeviation, EnergySkewness); or the ResumeEnergyEstimated in a power sequence, i.e., the additional energy the device will consume before resuming its normal operation (after a pause)
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EnergyConstraint
The energy constraint described in the Allowed Limit Range or Power Limit.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EnergyExpected
A possible type of energy in a slot that represents the expected energy consumption and its value
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EnergyMax
A possible type of energy in a slot that represents the maximum energy consumption and its value
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EnergyMin
A possible type of energy in a slot that represents the minimum energy consumption and its value
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EnergySkewness
A possible type of energy in a slot that represents the energy skewness and its value
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EnergyStandardDeviation
A possible type of energy in a slot that represents the energy standard deviation and its value
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EventActionConsume
An action type used to express a consume action to be performed as a consequence of an event used to send overload warning severity level and related load control commands to a device (e.g. a household appliance or a smart meter).
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EventActionProduce
An action type used to express a produce action to be performed as a consequence of an event used to send overload warning severity level and related load control commands to a device (e.g. a household appliance or a smart meter).
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EventStateConsume
In the load control, it expresses a consume state of an event used to send overload warning severity level and related load control commands to a device (e.g. a household appliance or a smart meter).
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EventStateProduce
In the load control, it expresses a produce state of an event an event used to send overload warning severity level and related load control commands to a device (e.g. a household appliance or a smart meter).
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/FRBCInstruction
A Fill Rate Based Instruction message.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/FailsafePowerLimit
In case the communication between a device and the energy manager is interrupted, fail-safe values apply and the device enters fail-safe state until the communication is re-established.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/FailsafeState
State that indicates that the device currently is in its Fail-safe state. This means that it has lost its connection to a central energy manager. This may result in the device following stricter power limits.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/FillLevelTargetProfile
The target profile that a fill rate based control flexibility profile tries to follow.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/FillLevelTargetProfileElement
A description of the various Elements detailing the Fill Level Target Profile consists.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/FillRateProfile
A flexibility profile specified through a Fill Rate Based Profile.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/FlexOffer
It allows to represent a flexibility offer (or schedule) as a combination of multiple time-series, data-points and forecasts. For example, we can create a flexibility offer that includes a time-series ex:T-power of power values, combined with a time-series ex:T-costs of associated costs.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/FlexRequest
The flexibility request
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/FlexibilityInstruction
The various types of instructions Flexibility Sources can send and/or receive.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/FlexibilityProfile
Different control types to describe the energy flexibility that a device has to offer. Charging of an EV for instance, may be controlled by power profile-based control or fill-rate -based control. It is not allowed to mix different control types at the same time, but different control types may be used sequentially.
Control Types dictates flexibility instructions. Control Type provides Flexibility options.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/GaussianDataPoint
A data point whose quantity is a standard deviation.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Incentive
An Incentive indicates the intersection of a tier with a slot. In this particular combination of slot and tier there are a particular costs to draw this type of energy. For example, drawing power from the grid costs 0.30 euro per kilowatthour during the afternoon, but will only be activated from a lower boundary of 3000W.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/IncentiveTableBasedProfile
This flexibility profile describes the usage of an incentive table to describe an incentive type in the form of costs (relative or absolute), CO2 emissions or renewable energy percentage that can be associated to power values (expressed as a time-series of power data-points).
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/IncentiveTableSlot
This concept describes a slot that belongs to a Incentive Table. Each slot of the Incentive Table consists of a series of (lower) boundaries, each indicating the power at which a change to another incentive takes place. Additionally, each boundary is associated with a IncentiveTableTier.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/IncentiveTableTier
This concept specifies a Tier that an Incentive Table consists of. Each Tier indicates through a series of Boundaries the price per kilowatthour this incentive costs. For example, a tier may describe grid power, solar panel power, or surplus power.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/IncentiveType
In the incentive table, an incentive type is defined in the form of costs (relative or absolute), CO2 emissions or renewable energy percentage.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/InstructionStatus
The status an instruction has at a specific moment.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/InterruptionInstruction
An instruction indicating an interruption to the process.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/LatestEndTime
The latest possible end time for a power sequence or a slot. Only 'xs:duration' value types SHALL be used to denote a relative time which relates to 'now' as time 0.
Note: This element applies to the first repetition of the slot number only.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/LeakageBehaviour
A description of the Leakage Behaviour associated with this Fill Rate Flexibility Profile.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/LeakageBehaviourElement
An element detailing the leakage behaviour of a storage.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/LoadControlEventAction
An action type used to express the action to be performed as a consequence of an event used to send overload warning severity level and related load control commands to a device (e.g. a household appliance or a smart meter).
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/LoadControlEventData
An event used to send overload warning severity level and related load control commands to a device (e.g. a household appliance or a smart meter).
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/LoadControlEventState
In the load control, it expresses the possible states of an event used to send overload warning severity level and related load control commands to a device (e.g. a household appliance or a smart meter).
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/LoadControlStateData
The representation of the state of an event used to send overload warning severity level and related load control commands to a device (e.g. a household appliance or a smart meter).
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/MaxActivationDelay
Maximum delay time between the end of the previous slot and the beginning of the current slot.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/MaxAnticipation
This field allows the anticipation of the phase if (and only if) the previous phase has the energy set to 0 Wh, each unit is a minute.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/MaxDuration
If a slot has a configurable duration, it SHALL be present and denote the maximum supported configuration. Note: This element applies to the first repetition of the slot number only
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/MinDuration
If a slot has a configurable duration, it SHALL be present and denote the minimum supported configuration. Note: This element applies to the first repetition of the slot number only.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/NominalPowerLimit
A device may have nominal power consumption and/or production values that are defined by the manufacturer and must not be exceeded, so that the power limit must stay within these constraints.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/NumberRange
This class describes a range via a datatype property indicating the start of the range and another datatype property indicating the end of the range.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/OMBCInstruction
An instruction following the Operation Mode Based Profile.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/OperationMode
A resource manager can declare multiple operation modes for a device. An operation mode is a mode/state that a device can find itself in, that is associated with a specific power value.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/OperationModeElement
Operation Mode Elements of a Fill Rate Based Control
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/OperationModeProfile
A resource manager can declare multiple operation modes for a device. An operation mode is a mode/state that a device can find itself in, that is associated with a specific power value.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PEBCInstruction
An instruction for the Power Envelope Based Profile.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PPBCInstruction
An instruction for a Power Profile Based Flexibility Profile.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PauseDurationDescription
The duration description for the pause duration (max and min) temporal entities
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PauseDurationMax
The maximum duration a power sequence can pause after the end of an activity.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PauseDurationMin
The minimum duration a power sequence can pause after the end of an activity.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PauseTime
The pause time of a power sequence or a slot
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Power
Power type and value in a slot (i.e. power, powerMin, powerMax, powerExpectedValue, powerStandardDeviation, powerSkewness)
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PowerConstraint
The actual power constraint contained in the Allowed Limit Range or Power limit.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PowerEnvelope
A specific Power Envelope to be followed by an energy manager
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PowerEnvelopeConsequenceType
The type of consequence of limiting power, which can be Defer or Vanish.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PowerEnvelopeLimitType
An enumeration containing the codelist for Power Envelope Limit Types, which may be Lower limit or Upper limit.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PowerEnvelopeProfile
A Flexibility Profile described through a Power Envelope Profile.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PowerExpected
A possible type of power in a slot that represents the expected power consumption and its value
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PowerLimit
A power limit is defined as the maximum value for power consumption and/or production that must not be exceeded by e.g. a (group of) device(s), a building, or also a district.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PowerLimitProfile
This profile describes the energy flexibility of a device via a set of power limits, following the SPINE documentation
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PowerMax
A possible type of power in a slot that represents the maximum power consumption and its value
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PowerMin
A possible type of power in a slot that represents the minimum power consumption and its value
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PowerPlan
The Power Plan that an energy manager creates for a device. It contains three timeseries indicating the minimum, average, and maximum respectively.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PowerProfile
A way to model curves of power and energy over time, which also provides definitions for the modelling of power scheduling including alternative plans. With a PowerProfile, a device (or power sequences server) exposes the power sequences that are potentially relevant for the CEM (or power sequences client).
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PowerRange
A class describing a power range, containing a start of range, an end of range, and a saref:Property indicating the type of power involved.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PowerSequence
A Power Sequence following S2 is a container containing one or more PowerSequenceElements among which the EMS can choose the Element with the best fit to the current energy demands.
The specification of a task, such as wash or tumble dry, according to user preferences and/or manufacturer's settings for a certain device. It is the most 'coarse' view, a power sequence can represent all single steps of a whole task,where the single steps are represented by slots. If the power sequence is pausable by the bound power sequences client, the property 'saref:isInterruptionPossible' SHALL be present and set to true. Otherwise it SHALL be omitted. If the power sequence is stoppable by the bound power sequences client, the property 'saref:isFlexible' SHALL be present and set to true. Otherwise it SHALL be omitted.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PowerSequenceContainer
A container containing the various Power Sequences among which the EMS may choose for the appropriate Power Sequence at a given time.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PowerSequenceElement
An element of a power sequence, roughly equivalent to slots in the existing S4ener.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PowerSequenceState
The current state of the power sequence. It can assume one of the values 'running', 'paused', 'scheduled', 'scheduled paused', 'pending', 'inactive', 'completed', or 'invalid'.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PowerSequenceStatus
A codelist for the various Power Sequence statuses.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PowerSkewness
A possible type of power in a slot that represents the power skewness and its value
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PowerSource
Indicates the power source of a device. Possible values are e.g. mainsSinglePhase or battery
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/PowerStandardDeviation
A possible type of power in a slot that represents the power standard deviation and its value
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/RemainingPauseTime
The duration that the current slot (s4ee:activeSlotNumber) permits being paused. This element SHALL ONLY be present if the power sequence is interruptible. Otherwise, it SHALL be omitted. In case the power sequence is interruptible the following rules apply: If the element is absent this means there is no explicit pause duration restriction for the current slot; a value of 0s denoted the slot does not permit being paused.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/RemainingSlotTime
If state is set to 'running' or 'paused' AND the slot is determined, this element SHALL contain the time the slot still needs to be in 'running' state (this also means the value remains constant during a 'paused' state). Otherwise it SHALL be omitted.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/ResumeCostEstimated
In a power sequence the additional costs for the resumption of a device to its normal operation (after a pause).
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/ResumeEnergyEstimated
In a power sequence, the additional energy the device will consume before resuming its normal operation (after a pause). This is only an estimated value which will not be added to the value stated in any slot value information.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Role
A codelist containing the various roles a device can take: producer, consumer, and storage.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/RoleType
An enumeration containing the various roles a device can take up: consumer, producer, or storage.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/ScheduleInstruction
Schedule instruction for a power profile flexibility profile.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/ScopeType
An incentive table may additionally define a scope type to indicate whether it is a preliminary or committed version.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Slot
The single steps of a power sequence are represented by slots. A slot is associated with a slot number (while a power sequence is associated with a power sequence identifier). The slot numbers of two power sequences should be considered independent from each other, i.e., slot number 7 of sequence 1 describes a different slot than slot number 7 of sequence 2. Therefore a slot is only uniquely identified in combination with a sequence ID.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/SlotTimeDurationDescription
The duration description for the slot time duration temporal entities
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/StartInterruptionInstruction
An instruction or message indicating the start of an interruption.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/StartTime
The startTime of a power sequence or slot. SHALL be present
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/StartTimeDurationDescription
The duration description for the start time duration temporal entities
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/State
An entity that represents the possible states in SAREF4EE
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Storage
storage device which is the main component of Fill Rate Based Control type.). In the context of flexibility control and instructuons, a device shall be able to inform the CEM about its fill level, a measure of how full the storage is, and the lower and upper boundaries that the fill level should remain within.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/TimePeriod
The time period associated with load control event data
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/TimePeriodDurationDescription
The duration description for the time period duration temporal entities
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/TimeSeries
An ordered sequence of data points of a quantity observed at spaced time intervals is referred to as a time series. Time series can be a result of prediction algorithm.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Timer
A timer for time-based operation mode and transition constraints.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Transition
Possible transitions to switch from one Operation Mode to another or to set new parameters.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Usage
The usage of a datapoint, time series or message.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/ValueSource
Indicates the source (origin/foundation) of the measurement forecasted values for a power sequence. If absent, the source is undefined. Remark: This element shall express the reliability of the forecast.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/ValueTendency
This type indicates a codelist for the s4ener:valueTendency property about whether the tendency of a measurement is rising, stable or falling.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/allowedLimitRange
This property indicates the various AllowedLimitRanges or PowerLimits that this PowerConstraint object consists of.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/belongsTo
A relationship identifying the ownership of an entity. In particular, a slot belongs to a power sequence, a power sequence belongs to an alternative, an alternative belongs to a power profile, a power profile belongs to a device.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/belongsToTimeSeries
The relationship that connects a data point to a time series.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/endOfRange
This property indicates the end of a number range.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/fillRate
Indicates the change in fill_level per second. The lower_boundary of the NumberRange is associated with an operation_mode_factor of 0, the upper_boundary is associated with an operation_mode_factor of 1.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/fromOperationMode
ID of the OperationMode (exact type differs per ControlType) that should be switched from.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasActivationPlan
The relationship between the s4ener:FlexibilityInstruction and s4ener:TimeSeries.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasActiveOperationMode
A reference to the OperationMode that is presently active
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasAppliedEventActionConsume
A relationship between the state of a load control event consume and the action to be performed as a consequence of this event.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasAppliedEventActionProduce
A relationship between the state of a load control event produce and the action to be performed as a consequence of this event.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasCommodity
An indication of which commodity this Role is a consumer, producer, or storer of.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasConnection
In the Remote Network Management (RemoteNWM) use case, a relationship between a node in a network (i.e., a s4ee:Device) and its connections (i.e., a s4ee:DeviceConnections). The same s4ee:Device (or node) can have multiple device connections as it can be connected to several networks at the same time.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasConsequenceType
The consequence type associated with this Power Constraint, which can be Defer or Vanish.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasConstraints
This property relates a Power Envelop Instruction or Profile to the constraints it needs to follow. There are two types of constraints modelled: Power constraints and energy constraints.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasContractualConsumptionMax
The relationship between the contractual power limit and the value indicating the max limit consumption.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasContractualProductionMax
The relationship between the contractual power limit and the value indicating the max limit production.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasCost
Additional costs per second (e.g. wear, services) associated with this operation mode in the currency defined by the ResourceManagerDetails , excluding the commodity cost. The range is expressing uncertainty and is not linked to the operation_mode_factor.
The relationship between the s4ener:FlexibilityInstruction and s4ener:DataPoint
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasDataPoint
This relationship connects a time series to data point.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasDemandRate
The present demand rate that needs to be satisfied by the system
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasDemandRateForecast
This property relates a Demand Driven Profile to a TimeSeries object that indicates a forecast of the average demand rate.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasDevice
A relationship between a load control event (used to send overload warning severity level and related load control commands) and the device interested by this event.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasEffectivePeriod
This connects to the temporal entity which describes when (time interval) the quantity of this data point was, is, or will be in effect. This is the time interval which is covered by the forecast.
This should be equivalent to the time interval covered by the time-series that express the forecast. *A potential application of SHACL?*
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasEnergy
A relationship between a power sequence and its energy (in terms of value and unit of measure)
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasEnergyValueType
A relationship representing an energy value type
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasEnvelope
This property relates a Power Envelope to the Timeseries object that describes the envelope
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasEventStateConsume
A relationship between the specification of the state of a load control event consume and the value that this state can assume.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasEventStateProduce
A relationship between the specification of the state of a load control event produce and the value that this state can assume.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasExpression
A relationship between an appliance parameter compatibility action and the associated expressions
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasFailsafeConsumptionMax
The relationship between the failsafe power limit and the value indicating its consumption.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasFailsafeProductionMax
The relationship between the failsafe power limit and the value indicating its production.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasFillLevelRange
The range of the fill level for which this FRBC.OperationModeElement applies.
If this concept is applied on a Storage it indicated the range in which a storage should remain.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasFillLevelTargetProfile
The Fill Level Target Profile of the storage that the current Fill Rate Profile tries to accomodate for.
NB. This cannot be modelled as a TimeSeries, since the x-axis is not time.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasFillLevelTargetProfileElement
The various Fill Level Target Profile Elements detailing the Fill Level Target Profile that the current Fill Level Based Profile tries to accomodate for.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasFunction
A relationship identifying the functions performed by an actuator level and an actuator switch
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasIncentive
This property relates an IncentiveTable element, such as an IncentiveTableSlot or an IncentiveTableTier to the boundaries that it consists of.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasIncentiveType
The relationship between the tier and its incentive type
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasInstructionStatus
Present status of this instruction.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasLeakageBehaviour
The Leakage Behaviour associated with this storage.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasLeakageBehaviourElement
This property relates the LeakageBehaviour description to the LeakageBehaviourElements indicating the detailed description.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasLowerBoundary
This property relates an IncentiveTableBoundary to the datapoint describing its lower boundary or starting point at which this boundary becomes active.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasMessagingType
The messaging type associated with this element.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasNominalConsumption
The relationship between the nominal power limit and the value indicating the max limit consumption.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasNominalProduction
The relationship between the nominal power limit and the value indicating the max limit production.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasNumberRange
This property provides the association between a power range and its number range.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasOperationMode
This property indicates the s4ener:OperationMode inidicated by this Actuator, Instruction, or OperationModeProfile.
The SAREF4ENER extension expects the following classes to be used as domain:
- saref:Actuator
- s4ener:FRBCInstruction
- s4ener:DDBCInstruction
- s4ener:OMBCInstruction
- s4ener:OperationModeProfile
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasOperationModeElement
List of OperationModeElements, which describe the properties of this FRBC.OperationMode depending on the fill_level. The fill_level_ranges of the items in the Array must be contiguous.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasPowerEnvelope
The PEBC.PowerEnvelope(s) that should be followed by the Resource Manager. There shall be at least one PEBC.PowerEnvelope, but at most one PEBC.PowerEnvelope for each CommodityQuantity.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasPowerEnvelopeElement
This property relates a PowerEnvelopeProfile to the various specific PowerEnvelops contained in the profile.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasPowerLimitConsumptionMax
The relationship between the power limit and the value indicating the max limit consumption.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasPowerLimitProductionMax
The relationship between the power limit and the value indicating the max limit production.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasPowerLimitState
The relationship between the power limit state and its state (active/ inactive).
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasPowerRange
The power produced or consumed by this operation mode. The start of each PowerRange is associated with an operation_mode_factor of 0, the end is associated with an operation_mode_factor of 1. In the array there must be at least one PowerRange, and at most one PowerRange per CommodityQuantity.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasPowerSequence
The various Sequences contained in a Power Sequence Container among which the EMS can choose the proper PowerSequence for the current energy demands.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasPowerSequenceContainer
The various power sequence containers contained within an S2 Power Profile. The containers have to executed one after the other. Each container contains various Power Sequence anong which the EMS can choose the appropriate Power Sequence for the current energy demands.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasPowerSequenceElement
A connection between the Power Sequence and the elements (or Slots) describing the exact contents.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasPowerSequenceStatus
This property indicates the current status of this Power Sequence.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasPowerSource
Indicates the power source of a device. Possible values are e.g. mainsSinglePhase or battery
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasPowerValueType
A relationship representing a power value type
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasPreviousOperationMode
The previous operation mode this device was in
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasRecipient
This property can be used to connect a flexibility offer or/and flexibility request to a foaf:agent or saref:Device.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasRole
Each Resource Manager provides one or more energy Roles
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasRoleType
The type of this specific role
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasRunningCosts
Additional costs per second (e.g. wear, services) associated with this operation mode in the currency defined by the ResourceManagerDetails , excluding the commodity cost. The range is expressing uncertainty and is not linked to the operation_mode_factor.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasScopeType
The relationship between the incentive table and the scope type
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasSlotValue
This property is intended to specify the power or energy value of a slot in a power sequence as part of a power profile.
This property is a suggestion to be added in Saref4Energy v2.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasStorage
The storage regulated by the related Fill Rate Profile.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasSupplyRange
The SupplyRange this OperationMode of a Demand Driven Profile can deliver for the CEM to match the DemandRate. The start of the NumberRange is associated with an operation_mode_factor of 0, the end is associated with an operation_mode_factor of 1.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasTier
The relationship between the incentive table and the tiers it consists of
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasTimer
The set of timers that are available in this Actuator or OperationModeProfile
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasTransition
The transitions between various saref:States or s4ener:OperationModes that either the Actuator or the OperationModeProfile can support.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasUpperBoundary
This property relates a boundary to its upper boundary or the value at which this incentive becomes inactive. This value is optional, because the upper boundary can be inferred from the lower boundary of the next boundary.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasUsage
This property provides the possibility to add some additional information about the usage of a data-point or time-series. For example, a data point or time series can be used as an upper limit, lower limit or a baseline, a maximum versus minimum value, or a consumption versus a production value.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasUsageForecast
Indicates the usage forecast that may be relevant to decide the energy flexibility strategy following a specific flexibility profile, specifically a fill rate based profile or incentive table.
In SAREF4ENER this property is intended to be applied on an s4ener:FlexibilityProfile.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasValueSource
Indicates the source (origin/foundation) of the measurement forecasted values for a power sequence. If absent, the source is undefined. Remark: This element shall express the reliability of the forecast.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasValueType
A relation representing the value type of an entity
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/includes
This property can be used to connect the flexibility offer and/or flexibility request to the flexibility profile. Additionally, it can be used to specify the s4ener:datapoint, s4ener:timeseries and ic-fc:forecast included in the flexibility offer and/or flexibility request.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/isActuatedBy
A reference to an (external) actuator that can potentially activate this profile or where the instruction originates from.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/isBlockedBy
The Timers that block this Transition from initiating while at least one of these Timers is not yet finished
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/isBoundTo
The relationship between a device and its contractual power limit
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/isLimitedWith
The relationship between device and failsafe power limit
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/isProtectedBy
The relationship between the device and the nominal power limit
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/leakageRate
Indicates how fast the momentary fill level will decrease per second due to leakage within the given range of the fill level.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/limitType
Indicates if this ranges applies to the upper limit or the lower limit.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/presentFillLevel
A saref:Measurement with a percentage value indicating the fill level of the storage.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/producedBy
A relation between an entity (datapoint, message, timeseries, instruction) that has been produced by a device or other agent.
In the context of SAREF4ENER this property is intended for s4ener:DataPoint, s4ener:TimeSeries, and the various types of flexibility instructions, FlexOffers and FlexRequests.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/rangeBoundary
Boundaries of the power range of this PEBC.AllowedLimitRange. The CEM is allowed to choose values within this range for the power envelope for the limit as described in limit_type. The start of the range shall be smaller or equal than the end of the range.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/receives
A relationship between a device (e.g., an appliance or a smart meter) and a load control event
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/receivesPowerLimit
The relationship between a power limit profile and the power limit it has received for its device to follow
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/relatesToCommodityQuantity
Relates the classes to the various commodity quantities introduced by the S2 standard.
In the SAREF4ENER extension this property is intended for the following:
- s4ener:PowerRange
- s4ener:AllowedLimitRange
- s4ener:EnergyConstraint
- s4ener:PowerEnvelope
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/relatesToOffer
The relationship between the s4ener:FlexibilityInstruction and the flexibility offer.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/relatesToPowerProfile
ID of the PPBC.PowerProfileDefinition of which the PPBC.PowerSequence is being selected and scheduled by the CEM.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/relatesToPowerProfileSequence
ID of the PPBC.PowerSequence that is being selected and scheduled by the CEM.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/relatesToPowerProfileSequenceContainer
ID of the PPBC.PowerSequnceContainer of which the PPBC.PowerSequence is being selected and scheduled by the CEM.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/relatesToRequest
The relationship between the flexibility offer and flexibility request
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/startOfRange
This property indicates the start of a number range.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/startsTimer
List of IDs of Timers that will be (re)started when this transition is initiated
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/toOperationMode
ID of the OperationMode (exact type differs per ControlType) that will be switched to.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/triggersEventActionConsume
A relationship between a load control event and the consume action triggered by this event
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/triggersEventActionProduce
A relationship between a load control event and the produce action triggered by this event
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/valueTendency
Indicates whether the tendency of a measurement is rising, stable, or falling.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/abnormalCondition
Indicates if this is an instruction during an abnormal condition
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/abnormalConditionOnly
Indicates if this element can only be used during an abnormal condition.
In SAREF4ENER this property is intended to be used on the following properties:
- s4ener:OperationMode
- s4ener:Transition
- s4ener:AllowedLimitRange
- s4ener:PowerSequence
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/activateSlot
Indicates whether a slot is used (activateSlot = true) or not (activateSlot = false). SHALL be present if a slot is optional (i.e., the property s4ee:optionalSlot is TRUE), otherwise SHALL be absent (i.e. in case the slot is mandatory).
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/activeRepetitionNumber
Indicates the current repetition of the sequence of slots. SHALL be present if a power sequence can repeat its sequence of slots (i.e., if s4ee:repetitionTotal is present and has a value > 1). Otherwise, it SHALL be absent.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/activeSlotNumber
Indicates the currently active slot number, if the power sequence state is set to 'running' or 'paused'. Otherwise it SHALL be omitted.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/alternativesCount
Indicates the number of alternatives groups provided by a power profile
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/alternativesGroupID
The endpoint-wide unique identifier for the alternatives group instances provided by a power profile
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/brandName
Provides the name of the brand of a device. Useful where the name of the brand and the vendor differs.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/cheapest
Indicates whether a power sequence applies a configuration that minimises the user's energy bill (if set to TRUE). MAY be present. Absence of this element is equal to the presence with value FALSE.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/deviceCode
Provides a device code for the device as defined by the manufacturer.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/deviceName
Provides the name of the device as defined by the manufacturer.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/eventID
Used in the Demand Response use case to identify an event
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/firmwareVersion
Version identifier of the firmware used in the device (provided by the manufacturer)
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/greenest
Indicates whether a power sequence optimises the configuration towards the maximum availability of renewable energy (if set to TRUE). MAY be present. Absence of this element is equal to the presence with value FALSE.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hardwareRevision
Indicates the hardware revision of the device as defined by the manufacturer.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasActivationDelay
The scheduled activation delay for a slot.
This property is suggested to be added in SAREF4Ener_v2 to replace the subclasses of time:TemporalEntity and/or time:DurationDescription
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasActivationDelayMax
Maximum delay time between the end of the previous slot and the beginning of the current slot.
This property is suggested to be added to SAREF4Ener_v2 to replace the time:TemporalEntity and/or time:DurationDescription.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasActiveDurationMax
The active maximum duration a power sequence can run without interruption.
This property is suggested to be added to SAREF4Ener_v2 to replace the time:TemporalEntity and/or time:DurationDescription.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasActiveDurationMin
The active mininum duration a power sequence can run without interruption.
This property is suggested to be added to SAREF4Ener_v2 to replace the time:TemporalEntity and/or time:DurationDescription.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasActiveDurationSumMax
The active maximum duration a power sequence can run in total (summation of all active times).
This property is suggested to be added to SAREF4Ener_v2 to replace the time:TemporalEntity and/or time:DurationDescription.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasActiveDurationSumMin
The active minimum duration a power sequence must run in total (summation of all active times).
This property is suggested to be added to SAREF4Ener_v2 to replace the time:TemporalEntity and/or time:DurationDescription.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasCreationTime
The time instant that defines the creation time of a data point or quantity or forecast or similar entities. This is not the same as the time at which the quantity is in effect. For example, if a temperature is forecasted today at 12:30 (creation time of the forecast) for the following day at 14:45 (time when the temperature is expected to be in effect), the this instant should be 12:30 of today.
A creation time (instant). This is the point in time when the data point was created, which is not necessarily the time for which it is valid. In the case of soft-sensors or forecasters, a data point might have been created ahead of time, in the case of a direcet measurement a data point might created at its time of validity (or at the end of its validity time interval) and in the case of an archived value the data point might have been created after the fact.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasDuration
This property is added to the time:DurationDescription class to allow to express time duration also as xsd:duration. This is necessary because in the EEBus/E@h model time is always expressed as xsd:duration. We use this property to express the following time information in the EEBus/E@h model:
- the startTime of the power sequence (in the PowerSequence class). SHALL be present
- the endTime of the power sequence (in the PowerSequence class). If the value is available, it SHALL be denoted here. Otherwise the element SHALL be omitted.
- the startTime of measurement as absolute or relative value (in the Measurement class).
- the endTime of measurement as absolute or relative value (in the Measurement class).
The duration is expected to be described as in xsd:duration
This property specifies that the componenrt has a duration attribute further specified in the subproperty
This property is suggested to be added to SAREF4Ener_v2 to replace the time:TemporalEntity and/or time:DurationDescription.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasDurationDefault
The duration of a slot (SHALL be present in case of 'determined slot'). If a slot has a configurable lenght, this element SHALL reflect the currently configured lenght
This property is suggested to be added to SAREF4Ener_v2 to replace the time:TemporalEntity and/or time:DurationDescription.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasDurationMin
The minimum duration for some component
This property is suggested to be added in SAREF4ENER_V2
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasEarliestStartTime
The earliest possible start time for a power sequence or a slot. Only 'xs:duration' value types SHALL be used to denote a relative time which relates to 'now' as time 0.
Note: This element applies to the first repetition of the slot number only.
This property is suggested to be added to SAREF4Ener_v2 to replace the time:TemporalEntity and/or time:DurationDescription.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasEndTime
The endTime of a power sequence. If the value is available, it SHALL be denoted here. Otherwise the element SHALL be omitted.
The end time of a slot MAY be stated in this element. The following equation SHALL apply: endTime - startTime = defaultDuration.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasExecutionTime
Start time of the instruction
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasFailsafeDuration
The relationship between the failsafe power limit and its duration. This property indicates the minimum duration the fail safe state will take once a device has entered that state.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasIndex
Gives the index for elements that are an array in the S2 specification. Can be used regularly as well as in RDF* manner on properties.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasInterruptionEndTime
The end time included in an Interruption Instruction message indicating when the interruption should end.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasInterruptionStartTime
The start time included in an Interruption Instruction message indicating when the interruption should start.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasLatestEndTime
The latest possible end time for a power sequence or a slot. Only 'xs:duration' value types SHALL be used to denote a relative time which relates to 'now' as time 0.
Note: This element applies to the first repetition of the slot number only.
This property is suggested to be added to SAREF4Ener_v2 to replace the time:TemporalEntity and/or time:DurationDescription.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasLowerAveragePower
The lower average power associated with this Energy constraint.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasMaxPauseBefore
The maximum duration for which a device can be paused between the end of the previous running sequence and the start of this one
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasMaxPauseDuration
The maximum duration for which a device can be paused between the end of the previous running sequence and the start of this one
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasName
Human readable name given by user
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasOperationModeFactor
The number indicates the factor with which the FRBC.OperationMode or OMBC.OperationMode is usedconfigured. The factor should be greater than or equal than 0 and less or equal to 1.
Within the SAREF4ENER extension, this property is to be used on the following classes:
- s4ener:OMBCInstruction
- s4ener:OperationMode
- saref:Actuator
- s4ener:FRBCInstruction
- s4ener:DDBCInstruction
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasPowerLimitDuration
The relationship between the power limit and its duration. Power limit may come with a time period of validity based on duration
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasQuantile
Used to define a quantile for example on a data point of a quantile time series. The quantile must be a ratio, usually a percentage. In a quantile forecast the hasQuantile property cannot be empty
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasStandardDeviation
Adds a standard deviation to a data point.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasStartTime
The startTime of a power sequence or slot. SHALL be present
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasTemporalResolution
The resolution is the distance between two measurement time-stapms. This only makes sense if the measurements are equidistant.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasTransitionCosts
Absolute costs for going through this Transition in the currency as described in the ResourceManagerDetails.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasTransitionDuration
Indicates the time between the initiation of this Transition, and the time at which the device behaves according to the Operation Mode which is defined in the appropriate data element. When no value is provided it is assumed the transition duration is negligible.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasTransitionTimestamp
Time at which the transition from the previous Operation Mode was initiated. This value shall always be provided, unless the active OperationMode is the first OperationMode the Resource Manager is aware of.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasUpdateRate
The rate at which a data point or time-series or forecast or other data entity is being updated.
If the time series gets regularly updated, then the time between two updates can be recorded here.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasUpperAveragePower
The upper average power of an Energy constraint of a Power Envelope profile.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/hasValue
Power value expressed in the unit associated with the CommodityQuantity of the Power Value.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/isActive
Indicates whether the power limit is currently active
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/isChangeable
A relationship indicating that this element can be changed by its operator. The boolean value indicates whether it is indeed changeable.
In the SAREF4ENER extension this property is intended for PowerLimits and IncentiveTable elements, such as the IncentivebasedProfile, IncentiveTableSlot, and the IncentiveTableTier.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/isFinishedAt
Indicates when the Timer will be finished. If the DateTimeStamp is in the future, the timer is not yet finished. If the DateTimeStamp is in the past, the timer is finished. When the timer was never started, the value can be an arbitrary DateTimeStamp in the past.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/isInterruptible
This property indicates whether the PowerSequence is interruptible.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/isObligatory
A relationship between the power limit and the boolean value indicating whether the power limit is obligatory
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/isPausable
Specifies if the power sequence is pausable.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/isStoppable
Specifies if the power sequence is stoppable.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/manufacturerDescription
A description for the device as defined by the manufacturer.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/manufacturerLabel
A short label of the device as defined by the manufacturer.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/manufacturerNodeIdentification
Indicates a node identification for the device as defined by the manufacturer. This could be used for the identification of a device, even if it was removed from the network and rejoined later with changed node address.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/maxCyclesPerDay
States the maximum amount of starts a power sequence (of a device) allows per day.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/measurementID
Enables the identification of different sensors on one EEBus address.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/messagingNumber
An identifier for one specific message. If a message is marked as obsolete, this number can be used to identify the original message.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/messagingType
Indicates the type of the message. Possible values are:
- logging (used for messages, that shall be stored in a log file)
- information (messages, that shall be presented to the customer on a display; lower priority)
- warning (messages, that shall be presented to the customer on a display; medium priority)
- alarm (messages, that shall be presented to the customer on a display; high priority; if there is an alarm device in the household, it shall generate an alarm)
- emergency (messages, that shall be presented to the customer on a display; very high priority; if there is an alarm device in the household, it shall generate an alarm; additionally, if possible and configured, an emergency call shall be done)
- obsolete (previously sent messages, that shall be marked as obsolete)
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/nodeRemoteControllable
Indicates whether the power profile of a device is configured for remote control (e.g., by an energy management system).This refers to the selection chosen by the user on the remote control feature of the device. If nodeRemoteControllable is equal to FALSE, all the supported power sequences shall set the sequenceRemoteControllable property to FALSE. If nodeRemoteControllable is equal to TRUE, at least one power sequence shall be remotely controllable by setting the sequenceRemoteControllable property to TRUE.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/optionalSlot
Indicates whether a slot is optional (if set to TRUE). Otherwise, if a slot is mandatory, SHALL be omitted or set to FALSE. Note: This element applies to every repetition of the slot number.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/progress
Time that has passed since the selected sequence has started. A value must be provided, unless no sequence has been selected or the selected sequence hasn't started yet.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/repetitionsTotal
Contains the total number of repetitions, if a power sequence repeats its sequence of slots. Absence of the element is equal to a presence with a value of 0 (zero). SHALL be absent if the value is 1.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/requiresUpdate
The relationship between the incentive table element and the boolean data indicating whether the incentive table requires an update.
In the SAREF4ENER extension this property is intended for the following classes:
- IncentiveTableBasedProfile
- IncentiveTableTier
- IncentiveTableSlot
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/sequenceID
Provides a unique power sequence identifier for a certain device
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/sequenceRemoteControllable
Denotes whether a power sequence is modifiable (if value is TRUE) or not (if value is FALSE). Modifiability is required to configure power sequences and slots. It is also required to change a power sequence state.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/serialNumber
Indicates the serial number of a device as defined by the manufacturer. Usually the same as printed on the case.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/slotActivated
If a slot is optional, represents the current status of the slot (true = the slot will be executed, false = the slot will not be executed). If the slot is not optional, this element SHALL be absent.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/slotNumber
Provides a unique slot identifier for a certain power sequence
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/softwareRevision
Indicates the software revision of a device as defined by the manufacturer.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/supportsReselection
If set toTRUE, the power profile of a device does not restrict the number of power sequence re-selections by the CEM, i.e. within a given alternative the CEM may first choose one power sequence, alter the selection by configuring another sequence later on, then alter the selection again, etc. (provided the process rules and data still permit configuration). If supportsReselection is set to FALSE, the device permits the CEM to select a power sequence of an alternative only once.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/supportsSingleSlotSchedulingOnly
If set toTRUE, the power profile of a device does NOT permit the modification of more than one slot per configuration command.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/taskIdentifier
Represents the task identifier of the power sequence.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/totalSequencesCountMax
Represents the total number of power sequences supported by the power profile of a device
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/vendorCode
Provides a code for the vendor of the device as defined by the manufacturer.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/vendorName
Provides the name of the vendor of the device as defined by the manufacturer.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Aborted
Instruction was aborted.
The selected PPBC.PowerSequence was aborted by the device and will not continue
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/AbsoluteCost
The incentive type ''absolute cost'' defined in the incentive table.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Accepted
Instruction has been accepted
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Average
The datapoint indicates an average value aggregated over a number of values.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/BaseLine
This datapoint indicates the baseline.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/BatteryPowerSource
This Power Source codelist element indicates that a battery is the power source of this device.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/CO2Emission
The incentive type ''CO2 Emission'' defined in the incentive table.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Calculated
This value source codelist element indicates that this measurement has been calculated instead of measured or empirical.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Committed
The committed version of this concept, usually an incentive table or power plan
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Completed
Power sequence state with value 'completed'
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Consumption
This datapoint indicates the consumption.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/DCPowerSource
This Power Source codelist element indicates that the type of power source is DC.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Defer
Indicating that the limited load or generation will be postponed to a later moment
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Downflex
This datapoint indicates the down flexibility.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/ElectricPower3PhaseSymmetric
Electric power described in Watt on when power is equally shared among the three phases. Only applicable for 3 phase devices.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/ElectricPowerL1
Electric power described in Watt on phase 1. If a device utilizes only one phase it should always use L1.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/ElectricPowerL2
Electric power described in Watt on phase 2. Only applicable for 3 phase devices.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/ElectricPowerL3
Electric power described in Watt on phase 3. Only applicable for 3 phase devices.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Electricity
Identifier for Commodity ELECTRICITY
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Emergency
Load control event action with value 'emergency'
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Empirical
This value source codelist element indicates this value is an empirical value instead of a calculated or measured value.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EnergyConsumer
Identifier for RoleType Consumer
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EnergyProducer
Identifier for RoleType Producer
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EnergyStorage
Identifier for RoleType Storage
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EuroPerKilowattHour
Unit of Measure to represent euro's per kilowatt per hour
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EventAccepted
Load control state with value 'event accepted'
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EventCancelled
Load control state with value 'event cancelled'
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EventError
Load control state with value 'event error'
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EventRejected
Load control state with value 'event rejected'
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EventStarted
Load control state with value 'event started'
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/EventStopped
Load control state with value 'event stopped'
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Executing
The selected PPBC.PowerSequence is currently being executed
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Falling
This value tendency codelist element indicates that the tendency of this measurement indicates that the value is decreasing (i.e., falling).
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Finished
The selected PPBC.PowerSequence was executed and finished successfully
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Gas
Identifier for Commodity GAS
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Heat
Identifier for Commodity Heat
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/HeatFlowRate
Flow rate of heat carrying gas or liquid in liters per second
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/HeatTemperature
Heat described in degrees Celsius
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/HeatThermalPower
Thermal power in Watt
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/HydrogenFlowRate
Gas flow rate described in grams per second
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Inactive
Power sequence state with value 'inactive'
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Increase
Load control event action with value 'increase'
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Interrupted
The selected PPBC.PowerSequence is being executed, but is currently interrupted and will continue afterwards
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Invalid
Power sequence state with value 'invalid'
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/LowerLimit
The PowerEnvelopeLimitType codelist element indicating the lower limit.
This data point indicates the lower limit.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Mains3Phase
This Power Source codelist element indicates that the power source of this device is Mains 3 Phase.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/MainsSinglePhase
This codelist element of power source indicates that the power source is the mains single phase.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Maximum
The usage of this datapoint is the Maximum value.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Measured
The value source type indicates that this data point has been measured by a device.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Minimum
The usage of this datapoint is the Minimum value.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/NaturalGasFlowRate
Gas flow rate described in liters per second
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/New
Instruction was newly created
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Normal
The value NORMAL used to instantiate the Load Control Event Action class and MeasurandState class
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/NotScheduled
No PPBC.PowerSequence within the PPBC.PowerSequenceContainer is scheduled
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Oil
Identifier for Commodity OIL
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/OilFlowRate
Oil flow rate described in liters per hour
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Pause
Load control event action with value 'pause'
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Paused
Power sequence state or sensor state with value 'paused'
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Pending
Power sequence state with value 'pending'
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Preliminary
The preliminary version of this concept, usually an incentive table or power plan
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Production
This datapoint indicates the energy production.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Reduce
Load control event action with value 'reduce'
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Rejected
Instruction was rejected
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/RelativeCost
The incentive type ''relative cost'' defined in the incentive table.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/RenewableEnergyPercentage
The incentive type ''renewable energy percentage'' defined in the incentive table.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Resume
Load control event action with value 'resume'
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Revoked
Instruction was revoked
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Rising
This value tendency codelist element indicates that the tendency of this measurement indicates that the value is increasing (i.e., rising).
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Running
Power sequence state with value 'running'
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Scheduled
Power sequence state with value 'scheduled'
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/ScheduledPaused
Power sequence state with value 'scheduled paused'
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/SetPoint
This datapoint indicates a setpoint.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Stable
This value tendency codelist element indicates that the tendency this measurement has is to stay stable, instead of rising or falling.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Started
Instruction was executed
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Succeeded
Instruction finished successfully
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Upflex
This datapoint indicates the upper flexibility.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/UpperLimit
The PowerEnvelopeLimitType enumeration for the upper limit.
This datapoint indicates the upperlimit.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/Vanish
The load or generation that is limited will vanish. This is for example the case with curtailing production from solar panels; the potentially generated energy is lost and will never reappear.
The editors would like to thank the ETSI SmartM2M technical committee for providing guidance and expertise.
Also, many thanks to the ETSI staff and all other current and former active Participants of the ETSI SmartM2M group for their support, technical input and suggestions that led to improvements to this ontology.
Also, special thanks goes to the ETSI SmartM2M Technical Officer Guillemin Patrick for his help.
This documentation page was generated automatically using SPARQL-Generate, developed by Maxime Lefrançois. The SAREF public portal, the SAREF sources with continuous integration and deployment, the SAREF Pipeline software, and ETSI Technical Specification TS 103 673 v1.1.1 "SAREF Development Framework and Workflow, Streamlining the Development of SAREF and its Extensions", have been developed in the context of the ETSI STF 578, which followed the ETSI STF 556.
The duration description for the activation delay duration temporal entity