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SAREF extension for smart grid

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ETSI Technical Specification
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Raúl García-Castro (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Sergio-Mario Carulli-Pérez (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
María Poveda-Villalón (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Ontology requirements and tests
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This document presents the implementation of the SAREF extension for the electric grid domain (SAREF4GRID).

General overview

Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure 4 present an overview of the classes and the properties included in the SAREF4GRID extension.

SAREF4GRID overview: Meter information
Figure 1: SAREF4GRID overview: Meter information
SAREF4GRID overview: Measurements and profiles
Figure 2: SAREF4GRID overview: Measurements and profiles
SAREF4GRID overview: Activity calendar and scripts
Figure 3: SAREF4GRID overview: Activity calendar and scripts
SAREF4GRID overview: Services
Figure 4: Figure 4: SAREF4GRID overview: Services


Figure 5 provides an overview of how to represent an electric grid meter using the s4grid:Meter class. The representation of electric grid meters and their properties has been extracted from the DLMS/COSEM standard (IEC 62056)

Unlike in other SAREF extensions, meter-specific information is not defined using properties from SAREF. This is because the DLMS/COSEM standard defines the data structures to model meters from simple up to very complex functionality (IEC 62056-6-2:2017). Moreover, each piece of information within the metering equipment has a unique identifier called OBIS (OBject Identification System) which identifies the instance of a COSEM object (IEC 62056-6-1:2017). This data includes not only measurement values, but also abstract values used for configuration or for obtaining information about the behaviour of the metering equipment.

For this reason, the characteristics of the meter are represented as properties that are not observable by the meter (s4grid:MeterProperty, fully represented in Figure 6), i.e., they are not measurements (saref:Measurement). The properties of a meter are defined by a value (s4grid:PropertyValue) and some are complemented with a unit of measurement (saref:UnitOfMeasure).

Meter model
Figure 5: Meter model

Meters store internal configuration parameters. The DLMS/COSEM standard (IEC 62056) defines properties related to the configuration of a meter that are necessary to ensure its correct operation. SAREF4GRID categorises the main properties related to the configuration of a meter (s4grid:MeterProperty): screen display configuration (s4grid:ScreenDisplay), electric threshold values (s4grid:Threshold), time from which a measure has to be outside the threshold before to be considered a quality issue (s4grid:TimeThreshold), number of voltage sags (s4grid:VoltageSagNumber), number of voltage swells (s4grid:VoltageSwellNumber), number of long power failures (s4grid:LongPowerFailuresNumber), information provided by the manufacturer (s4grid:Manufacturer), turn ratio of the transformer (s4grid:TransformerRatio), communication configuration (s4grid:Network), status of meter profiles (s4grid:ProfileStatus), client power limits (s4grid:PowerLimit), references values for power quality (s4grid:PowerQuality), client billing periods (s4grid:BillingPeriod), information about the electric grid phase (s4grid:Phase), information about the electric grid phase angle (s4grid:PhaseAngle) and electric quadrant (s4grid:Quadrant). It should be noted that in SAREF4GRID only the general properties are being defined. In order to use a more specific property it is advisable to indicate the general property it comes from (if it exists). These properties are depicted in Figure 6.

Meter property model
Figure 6: Meter property model


SAREF4GRID allows describing the identification information related to administration and maintenance of meters by means of the s4grid:Firmware class, as presented in Figure 7. They are not communication parameters but support device management. The representation of the firmware of a meter has been extracted from the IEC 62056-6-2:2017.

A meter firmware may be described by its: version (s4grid:hasFirmwareVersion), unique vendor identifier (s4grid:hasVendorId) and unique product identifier assigned by the vendor (s4grid:hasProductId). Besides, a firmware can be related to an electric grid meter by means of the s4grid:hasFirmware property.

Firmware model
Figure 7: Firmware model

Network Interface

SAREF4GRID allows describing the MAC address of the physical device (or, more generally, of a device or software) by means of the s4grid:NetworkInterface class, as presented in Figure 8. There shall be an instance of this class for each network interface of a meter. The representation of the network interface of a meter has been extracted from the IEC 62056-6-2:2017.

Network interface model
Figure 8: Network interface model


SAREF4GRID allows describing the clock of a meter by means of the s4grid:Clock class, as presented in Figure 9. This clock manages all information related to date and time including deviations of the local time to a generalized time reference (UTC) due to time zones and daylight-saving time schemes. The representation of the meter clock has been extracted from the IEC 62056-6-2:2017.

A meter clock may be described by its: time (s4grid:hasTime), time zone where the meter is located (s4grid:hasTimeZone), clock status maintained by the meter (s4grid:hasStatus), date at which the local time starts to deviate from the normal time (s4grid:hasDaylighhtSavingsBegin), date at which the local time ends to deviate from the normal time (s4grid:hasDaylighhtSavingsEnd), deviation in generalized time (s4grid:hasDaylightSavingsDeviation), if the daylight savings time feature is enabled (s4grid:hasDaylightSavingsEnabled) and where the basic timing information comes from (s4grid:hasClockBase). Besides, a clock can be related to an electric grid meter by means of the s4grid:hasClock property.

Clock model
Figure 9: Clock model

Breaker State

As it can be observed in Figure 10, the modelling of states in the SAREF4GRID ontology mostly relies on the state model proposed in SAREF.

SAREF allows to define the state in which a device can be found. However, the SAREF4GRID extension also requires to be able to define the possible transitions between states and complex states. Therefore, the s4grid:BreakerState class has been defined according to the IEC 62056-6-2:2017.

A meter breaker state represents the internal or external disconnect unit of the meter (e.g., electricity breaker, gas valve) in order to connect or disconnect the premises of the consumer to/from the supply. A meter breaker state may be described by its: physical state (s4grid:hasOutputState), internal state (s4grid:hasControlState) and the possible transitions between states (s4grid:hasControlMode).

Breaker State model
Figure 10: Breaker State model

Script Table

As it can be observed in Figure 11, the modelling of scripts in the SAREF4GRID ontology mostly relies on the service model proposed in SAREF. In order to reduce duplication with SAREF documentation, the reader is referred to the SAREF specification for details about service modelling including here details only for the new concepts.

SAREF allows to define the functions which accomplish the task for which a device is designed. However, the SAREF4GRID extension also requires to be able to define the triggering of a series of actions by executing scripts, and where those scripts are stored. Therefore, the s4grid:ScriptTable class has been defined according to the IEC 62056-6-2:2017.

A script table represents a table of script entries. Moreover, the s4grid:Script class defines a series of action specifications. An action specification activates a method or modifies an attribute of a COSEM object within the logical device. Besides, a script table can be related to an electric grid meter by means of the s4grid:hasScriptTable property.

Script Table model
Figure 11: Script Table model

Scheduled Action

SAREF4GRID allows the execution of periodic actions within a meter by means of the s4grid:SingleScheduledAction class, as presented in Figure 12 ; such actions are not necessarily linked to tariffication. A scheduled action describes the script, which is stored in a script table, that is going to be executed at a determined date. The representation of the meter scheduled action has been extracted from the IEC 62056-6-2:2017.

A meter single scheduled action may be described by its: execution time (s4grid:hasExecutionTime) and what script is going to be executed (s4grid:executesScript). Besides, a single schedule action can be related to an electric grid meter by means of the s4grid:hasSingleScheduledAction property.

Scheduled action model
Figure 12: Scheduled action model

Activity Calendar

SAREF4GRID allows modelling the handling of various tariff structures in the meter by means of the s4grid:ActivityCalendar class, as presented in Figure 13. An activity calendar provides a list of scheduled actions, following the classical way of calendar-based schedules by defining seasons, weeks, etc. The representation of the meter activity calendar has been extracted from the IEC 62056-6-2:2017.

An activity calendar is active (s4grid:hasCalendarNameActive) if it is currently used for billing. Each active calendar has an associated passive calendar (s4grid:hasCalendarNamePassive) and its function is to allow to modify the parameters of the active calendar on a date prior to its activation date (s4grid:hasActivatePassiveCalendarTime). Activation date is the date from which the meter will use the passive calendar parameters and, therefore, they become active calendar parameters. An active calendar is compound by active seasons (s4grid:hasActiveSeasonProfile) and a passive calendar is compound by passive seasons (s4grid:hasPassiveSeasonProfile). Notice that there is no distinction between an active calendar and a passive calendar because together they represent an activity calendar and they share the same OBIS code.

A season profile (s4grid:SeasonProfile) represents periods of time during the year when billing conditions are always the same. A season is characterized by a start date (s4grid:hasSeasonStart) and seven day profiles (s4grid:hasDayProfile) to apply, which together represents a week (there is one day profile for each day of the week). A season finishes when the next season begins.

A day profile (s4grid:DayProfile) represents the discrimination of time along the day. Moreover, the seven day profiles together represents a period during the week when billing conditions are always the same. There are two day profiles: regular days (s4grid:RegularDayProfile) which represents not festive days, and special days (s4grid:SpecialDayProfile) which represents at which date there is a festivity, i.e. normal day behaves as a special day (s4grid:hasScpecialDayDate). A day profile is characterized by a day schedule (s4grid:hasDaySchedule).

A day schedule (s4grid:DaySchedule) defines the activation of certain scripts during the day, which can perform different activities inside the meter. For each day schedule, a list of scheduled actions is defined by a script to be executed (s4grid:executesScript) with the corresponding activation time (s4grid:hasStartTime).

Activity calendar model
Figure 13: Activity calendar model

Power Line Properties

As it can be observed in Figure 14 and Figure 15, the modelling of measurements in the SAREF4GRID ontology mostly relies on the measurement model proposed in SAREF. In order to reduce duplication with SAREF documentation, the reader is referred to the SAREF specification for details about measurement modelling including here details only for the new concepts.

The DLMS/COSEM standard (IEC 62056) defines the measurements that a meter must take from a power line. It should be noted that in SAREF4GRID only the general properties are being defined. In order to use a more specific property it is neccesary to indicate the general property from which it comes from. The properties that are defined in SAREF4GRID, which are measured from a power line (s4grid:PowerLine), are depicted in Figure 14 and Figure 15.

SAREF4GRID categorises the main properties related to the enregy an power measurements of a power line (s4grid:EnergyPowerProperty): active energy measurements (s4grid:ActiveEnergy), reactive energy measurements (s4grid:ReactiveEnergy), apparent power measurements (s4grid:ApparentPower), demand register measurements (s4grid:DemandRegister), active power measurements (s4grid:ActivePower), reactive power measurements (s4grid:ReactivePower), current measurements (s4grid:Current), voltage measurements (s4grid:Voltage) and power factor related measurements (s4grid:PowerFactor).

Energy and power property model
Figure 14: Energy and power property model

SAREF4GRID also categorises the main properties related to quality measurements of a power line (s4grid:QualityProperty):duration of voltage sags (s4grid:DurationVoltageSag), duration of voltage swells (s4grid:DurationVoltageSwell) and duration of long power failures (s4grid:DurationLongPowerFailure).

Quality property model
Figure 15: Quality property model

Profile Generic

SAREF4GRID allows modelling the storing, sorting and accessing of data groups or data series (i.e., capture objects in COSEM) in the meter by means of the s4grid:ProfileGeneric class, as presented in Figure 16. Capture objects are specific attributes or elements of (an) attribute(s) of COSEM objects. The capture objects are collected periodically or occasionally. The representation of the profile generic of a meter has been extracted from the IEC 62056-6-2:2017.

A profile generic is represented by the objects that it captures (s4grid:Clock, s4grid:PropertyValues and s4grid:Measurements). These capture objects are collected in each period defined in the s4grid:hasCapturePeriod property.

Profile generic model
Figure 16: Profile generic model

Get service

Figure 17 provides an overview of the modelling of get services (s4grid:GetService). A get service is performed through get operations (s4grid:GetOperation). The get operation modelling involves two main concepts, namely s4grid:CosemOperationInput and s4grid:GetOperationOutput. As can be seen in the figure, the modelling of get services totally relies on the service model proposed in ONEM2M. The representation of the inputs and outputs of a get service has been extracted from the IEC 62056-6-2:2017.

A get operation needs one input which represents what is going to be retrieved (the whole instance or just a property of the instance). Therefore, the input of a get operation can be either a class, the range of datatype property, or the range of an object property. The s4grid:CosemOperationInput class specifies the instance from which data is going to be retrieved by indicating the OBIS code (s4grid:obtainInputFromObis). If only the OBIS code is specified, it is understood that the whole instance is going to be retrieved. Moreover, the s4grid:GetOperationPropertyInput class specifies the object/datatype property of an instance from which data is going to be retrieved by indicating the OBIS code and the name of the object/datatype property (s4grid:obtaintInputForProperty). If the OBIS code and the property name are specified, it is understood that just the range of a property of the instance is going to be retrieved.

A get operation is going to generate one output which represents the type of what is going to be retrieved. The output of a get operation (s4grid:GetOperationOutput) can be either a class or a datatype. The s4grid:GetOperationDataOutput specifies that the output is going to be a datatype. In this case the type of the output is defined using the s4grid:hasOutputDataType property, indicating the name of the datatype. The s4grid:GetOperationObjectOutput class specifies that the output is going to be a class. In this case the type of the output is defined using the s4grid:hasOutputObjectType property, indicating the name of the class.

Additionally, in the case of a get service of a s4grid:ProfileGeneric class a selective access (s4grid:SelectiveAccess) can be specified. This indicates the range of entries to be retrieved (s4grid:EntryDescriptor) or the range of values (s4grid:RangeDescriptor) to be retrieved from a s4grid:ProfileGeneric class.

Get service model
Figure 17: Get service model

Set service

Figure 18 provides an overview of the modelling of set services (s4grid:SetService). A set service is performed through set operations (s4grid:SetOperation). The set operation modelling involves one main concept, namely s4grid:CosemOperationInput. As can be seen in the figure, the modelling of set services totally relies on the service model proposed in ONEM2M. In order to reduce duplication with the ONEM2M documentation, the reader is referred to the ONEM2M specification for details about service modelling. The representation of the inputs and outputs of a set service has been extracted from the IEC 62056-6-2:2017.

A set operation needs two inputs: the element that is going to be modified and the new data that is going to replace the old data. The element that is going to be modified is represented by a class meanwhile the new data is represented either by a class, the range of a datatype property, or the range of an object property (depending on if the whole instance is going to be modified or just a property). Therefore, the s4grid:CosemOperationInput class specifies the instance from which data is going to be modified by indicating the OBIS code (s4grid:obtainInputFromObis) and the new data is represented either by the s4grid:SetOperationObisInput, s4grid:SetOperationObjectInput or s4grid:SetOperationDataInput classes. The s4grid:SetOperationObisInput class indicates that the whole instance is going to be modified. In this case the type of the input is defined using the s4grid:hasInputObjectType property, indicating the name of the class expected to modify the instance. The s4grid:SetOperationObjectInput class indicates that just the range of an object property of the instance is going to be modified. In this case the type of the input is defined using the s4grid:obtainInputForProperty, which indicates the name of the object property whose range is going to be modified, and the s4grid:hasInputObjectType property, indicating the name of the class expected to modify the range of the object property. The s4grid:SetOperationDataInput class indicates that just the range of a datatype property of the instance is going to be modified. In this case the type of the input is defined using the s4grid:obtainInputForProperty, which indicates the name of the datatype property whose range is going to be modified, and the s4grid:hasInputDataType property, indicating the name of the datatype expected to modify the range of the datatype property.

Set service model
Figure 18: Set service model

Action service

Figure 19 provides an overview of the modelling of action services (s4grid:ActionService). An action service is performed through action operations (s4grid:ActionOperation). The action operation modelling involves one main concept, namely s4grid:CosemOperationInput. As can be seen in the figure, the modelling of action services totally relies on the service model proposed in ONEM2M. In order to reduce duplication with the ONEM2M documentation, the reader is referred to the ONEM2M specification for details about service modelling. The representation of the inputs and outputs of an action service has been extracted from the IEC 62056-6-2:2017.

An action operation needs two inputs: the element that is going to be affected by an action and the parameters necessary for the action to be executed. The element that is going to be affected by an action is represented by a class and the parameters are either represented by a class or a value. Therefore, the s4grid:CosemOperationInput class specifies the instance that is going to be affected by the action by indicating the OBIS code (s4grid:obtainInputFromObis) and the parameters are represented either by the s4grid:SimpleActionOperationInput or the s4grid:ComplexActionOperationInput. The s4grid:SimpleActionOperationInput class indicates that the parameter needed by the action to operate is simple (i.e., integer, string, etc.). In this case the value of the parameter is defined using the s4grid:hasActionValue property. The s4grid:ComplexActionOperationInput class indicates that the parameter needed by the action to operate is complex (i.e., structure). There are two cases of complex parameters: s4grid:PresetAdjustingTime class, which is needed by a s4grid:Clock to modify the time, and s4grid:SpecialDayEntry class, which is needed by an s4grid:ActivityCalendar to adding a new special day.

Action service model
Figure 19: Action service model


The example presented in Figure 20 depicts an electric grid meter (ex:Meter1234). It can be described by a set of meter properties (such as the one shown in the figure, ex:ScrollDisplayMode) that are identified by an OBIS code (s4grid:hasObis). Notice that some meter properties do not specify a unit of measure.

SAREF4GRID does not aim to provide an exhaustive definition of all the properties defined in the IEC 62056-6-2:2017. Instead, it defines a set of general properties (those shown in Figure 6, e.g., s4grid:ScreenDisplay in the figure) and specific properties can be related to these general properties using the SKOS ontology. Using SKOS more specific properties can be defined specifying from which general property they are derived (skos:narrower), and which properties belong to a general property (skos:broader).

Example of electric grid meter information I
Figure 20: Example of electric grid meter information I

The example presented in Figure 21 depicts an electric grid meter (ex:Meter1234). It can be described by a set of meter properties (e.g., ex:ActivePowerLimitContract1TariffPeriod1) which are identified by an OBIS code (s4grid:hasObis). The meter properties used to describe a meter are broader than the properties shown in Figure 6 (e.g., s4grid:PowerLimit). Notice that some meter properties specify a unit of measure (e.g., om:watt).

Example of electric grid meter information II
Figure 21: Example of electric grid meter information II

Unlike other SAREF extensions, a meter firmware is not defined by a datatype property. The example presented in Figure 22 depicts a meter firmware (e.g., ex:ActivePLCFirmware) which is represented by an OBIS code (s4grid:hasObis).

Example of electric grid meter firmware
Figure 22: Example of electric grid meter firmware

Figure 23 contains an example of a network interface (ex:MacAddress1234) defined for a meter. Moreover, the network interface is represented by an OBIS code (s4grid:hasObis).

Example of electric grid meter network interface
Figure 23: Example of electric grid meter network interface

Figure 24 contains an example of a meter clock (ex:Clock1234). Moreover, the clock interface is represented by an OBIS code (s4grid:hasObis). Notice that the clock is not only represented by a time (s4grid:hasTime), but is also represented by the time zone in which it is located and how the time is changed.

Example of electric grid meter clock
Figure 24: Example of electric grid meter clock

Figure 25 contains an example of a meter brekaer state (ex:CurrentConnectivityState). In this example, it is represented that the meter is physical connected (s4grid:hasOutputState), internal connected (s4grid:hasControlState) and it can be be remotely, manually and locally disconnected (s4grid:hasControlMode). Moreover, the breaker state is represented by an OBIS code (s4grid:hasObis).

Example of electric grid meter breaker state
Figure 25: Example of electric grid meter breaker state

Figure 26 contains an example of how scripts (ex:ConnectionScript and ex:DisconnectionScript) are stored in the meter. A script table (ex:DisconnectScriptTable) is needed in order to represents where the scripts are located. Moreover, a single schedule action (ex:DisconnectControlScheduler) is used to represent that a script is going to be executed in a determined date. Moreover, the script table and single scheduled action are represented by an OBIS code (s4grid:hasObis).

Example of electric grid meter script table and scheduled action
Figure 26: Example of electric grid meter script table and scheduled action

Figure 27 contains an example of how an activity calendar (ex:ActivityCalendarContract1-1234) is represented in a meter. This activity calendar is represented by an active season (ex:SeasonActive1) which is described by the date at which it starts and two regular day profiles: one that describes working days (ex:WeekDay) and other that describes weekend days (ex:WeekendDay). Each day profile is represented by when a billing period starts each day (ex:WeekDayTariffPeriod1 and ex:WeekendDayTariffPeriod1) and what scripts need to execute to make the billing (ex:ResetBillingPeriod1 and ex:ResetBillingPeriod2). Additionally, a special day profile (ex:SpecialTariffPeriod1) defines which days are special (e.g., festive) and, therefore, another tariffication is going to be applied. Moreover, the activity calendar is represented by an OBIS code (s4grid:hasObis). Notice that just the active calendar is represented (e.g., the passive calendar associated to the active calendar is not represented) in order to simplify the example.

Example of electric grid meter activity calendar
Figure 27: Example of electric grid meter activity calendar

One of the main functions of electric grid meters is to take measures from a power line in order to control what is happening in the electric grid. Figure 28 presents an example of a power line measurement (ex:TotalIncrementalActiveEnergyImportMeasurement123) for a power line property (ex:TotalIncrementalActiveEnergyImport) that is identified by an OBIS code (s4grid:hasObis).

As with meter properties, SAREF4GRID does not aim to provide an exhaustive definition of all the properties defined in the IEC 62056-6-2:2017. Instead, it defines a set of general properties (those shown in Figure 14 and Figure 15, e.g., s4grid:ActiveEnergy in the figure) and specific properties can be related to these general properties using the SKOS ontology. Using SKOS more specific properties can be defined specifying from which general property they are derived (skos:narrower), and which properties belong to a general property (skos:broader).

Example of electric grid meter measurements I
Figure 28: Example of electric grid meter measurements I

Figure 29 presents another example of a power line measurement (ex:MaximumDemandRegisterImportC1TP1Measurement136) for a power line property (ex:MaximumDemandRegisterImportC1TP1) which are identified by an OBIS code (s4grid:hasObis). The power line properties are broader than the properties shown in Figure 14 and Figure 15 (e.g., s4grid:DemandRegister).

Example of electric grid meter measurements II
Figure 29: Example of electric grid meter measurements II

Different profile generics can be generated in order to access data groups which are stored in an electric grid meter. Figure 30 presents an example of a profile generic (ex:IncrementalLoadProfile1234) whose objective is to store the incremental energy values that a meter measures (ex:Measurement1 to ex:Measurement6) each hour. Additionally, the profile generic stores the clock (ex:Clock1234) to indicate the time at which the profile generic captures elements, and the AMR status (ex:PropertyValue1) that the meter stores. Moreover, the profile generic is represented by an OBIS code (s4grid:hasObis).

Example of electric grid meter profile generic
Figure 30: Example of electric grid meter profile generic

Each element that a meter stores can be obtained through a get service. Figure 31 presents an example of how it is specified that a COSEM element is going to be obtained. A get service (ex:GetServiceIncrementalLoadProfile) is executed through a get operation (ex:GetOperationIncrementalLoadProfile). This operation indicates the desired input (ex:OperationInputIncrementalLoadProfile), which in this case it specifies the element from which data is going to be retrieved, and the desired output (ex:OutputIncrementalLoadProfile), which in this case specifies the data structure that is going to be given.

Example of electric grid meter get service I
Figure 31: Example of electric grid meter get service I

Figure 32 presents an example of how it is specified that an attribute of a COSEM element is going to be obtained. Notice that in this example, the attribute corresponds to a datatype property of the SAREF4GRID ontology. A get service (ex:GetServiceCapturePeriodIncrementalLoadProfile) is executed through a get operation (ex:GetOperationCapturePeriodIncrementalLoadProfile). This operation indicates the desired input (ex:OperationInputCapturePeriodIncrementalLoadProfile), which in this case specifies the datatype property of the element from which data is going to be retrieved, and the desired output (ex:OutputCapturePeriodIncrementalLoadProfile), which in this case specifies the datatype that is going to be given.

Example of electric grid meter get service II
Figure 32: Example of electric grid meter get service II

Figure 33 presents an example of how it is specified that an attribute of a COSEM element is going to be obtained. Notice that in this example, the attribute corresponds to an object property of the SAREF4GRID ontology. A get service (ex:GetServiceDisconnectionScript) is executed through a get operation (ex:GetOperationDisconnectionScript). This operation indicates the desired input (ex:OperationInputDisconnectionScript), which in this case specifies the object property of the element from which data is going to be retrieved, and the desired output (ex:OutputDisconnectionScript), which in this case specifies the data structure that is going to be given.

Example of electric grid meter get service III
Figure 33: Example of electric grid meter get service III

Property-related services in get operations usually refer to the entire property. However, in the case of certain properties, selective access to only part of the property may be provided. Figure 34 presents an example of how it is specified that a range of values are going to be retrieved from a profile generic. A selective range get service (ex:GetServiceIncrementalLoadProfileRange) is executed through a get operation (ex: GetOperationIncrementalLoadProfileRange). This operation indicates the desired input (ex:OperationInputIncrementalLoadProfileRange), which in this case specifies the element from which data is going to be retrieved, and the desired output (ex:OutputIncrementalLoadProfileRange), which in this case specifies the data structure that is going to be given. Additionally, a selective access with a range descriptor (ex:RangeDescriptor1) indicates that just the entries whose value is between 1 and 10 are going to be retrieved.

Example of electric grid meter get service IV
Figure 34: Example of electric grid meter get service IV

Figure 35 presents an example of how it is specified that a range of entries are going to be retrieved from a profile generic. A selective entry get service (ex:GetServiceIncrementalLoadProfileEntry) is executed through a get operation (ex: GetOperationIncrementalLoadProfileEntry). This operation indicates the desired input (ex:OperationInputIncrementalLoadProfileEntry), which in this case specifies the element from which data is going to be retrieved, and the desired output (ex:OutputIncrementalLoadProfileEntry), which in this case specifies the data structure that is going to be given. Additionally, a selective access with an entry descriptor (ex:EntryDescriptor1) indicates that just the top 10 entries are going to be retrieved.

Example of electric grid meter get service V
Figure 35: Example of electric grid meter get service V

Each element that a meter stores can be modified through a set service. Figure 36 presents an example of how it is specified that a COSEM element is going to be modified. A set service (ex:SetMulticastCommunicationIdentifier) is executed through a set operation (ex:SetOperationMulticastCommunicationIdentifier). This operation indicates the desired input (ex:InputMulticastCommunicationIdentifier), which in this case specifies the element from which data is going to be modified and the data structure that is going to replace the previous data.

Example of electric grid meter set service I
Figure 36: Example of electric grid meter set service I

Figure 37 presents an example of how it is specified that an attribute of a COSEM element is going to be modified. Notice that in this example, the attribute corresponds to a datatype property of the SAREF4GRID ontology. A set service (ex:SetServiceCapturePeriodIncrementalLoadProfile) is executed through a set operation (ex:SetOperationCapturePeriodIncrementalLoadProfile). This operation indicates the desired input (ex:InputICapturePeriodIncrementalLoadProfile), which in this case specifies the datatype property of the element from which data is going to be modified and the data type that is going to replace the previous data.

Example of electric grid meter set service II
Figure 37: Example of electric grid meter set service II

Figure 38 presents an example of how it is specified that an attribute of a COSEM element is going to be modified. Notice that in this example, the attribute corresponds to an object property of the SAREF4GRID ontology. A set service (ex:SetServiceDisconnectionScript) is executed through a set operation (ex:SetOperationDisconnectionScript). This operation indicates the desired input (ex:InputIDisconnectionScript), which in this case specifies the object property of the element from which data is going to be modified and the data structure that is going to replace the previous data.

Example of electric grid meter set service III
Figure 38: Example of electric grid meter set service III

Each element that a meter stores can be affected through an action service. Figure 39 presents an example of how it is specified that a COSEM element is going to be affected by an action. Notice that in this example the input parameter needed to execute the action is simple (e.g., integer, string, etc.). An action service (ex:ResetServiceRegister) is executed through an action operation (ex:ResetServiceOperation). This operation indicates the desired input (ex:ResetServiceOperationInput), which in this case specifies the element that is going to be affected by the action and the value of the parameter needed by the action.

Example of electric grid meter action service I
Figure 39: Example of electric grid meter action service I

Figure 40 presents an example of how it is specified that a COSEM element is going to be affected by an action. Notice that in this example the input parameter needed to execute the action is a structure. An action service (ex:PresetAdjustingTimeServiceClock) is executed through an action operation (ex:PresetAdjustingTimeOperation). This operation indicates the desired input (ex:PresetAdjustingTime1), which in this case specifies the element that is going to be affected by the action and the values of the parameter structure needed by the action.

Example of electric grid meter action service II
Figure 40: Example of electric grid meter action service II

Figure 41 presents an example of how it is specified that a COSEM element is going to be affected by an action. Notice that in this example the input parameter needed to execute the action is a structure. An action service (ex:SpecialDayEntryServiceActivityCalendar) is executed through an action operation (ex:SpecialDayEntryOperation). This operation indicates the desired input (ex:SpecialDayEntry1), which in this case specifies the element that is going to be affected by the action and the values of the parameter structure needed by the action.

Example of electric grid meter action service III
Figure 41: Example of electric grid meter action service III

Namespace Declarations

default namespace:


Action Operation back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/ActionOperation

This class is the means of an action service to communicate in a procedure-type manner over the network (i.e. transmit data to/from other devices). It is the –machine interpretable- exposure of a –human understandable- Command to a network

has super-classes

Action Service back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/ActionService

This class is a representation of an action function to a network that makes the function discoverable, registerable, remotely controllable by other devices in the network. Actions can be performed over classes that are characterised by an OBIS code

has super-classes

Activity Calendar back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/ActivityCalendar

[COSEM] This class allows handling various tariff structures in the meter. This class provides a list of scheduled actions, following the classical way of calendar-based schedules by defining seasons, weeks, etc

Breaker State back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/BreakerState

[COSEM] This class manages an internal or external disconnect unit of the meter (e.g. electricity breaker, gas valve) in order to connect or disconnect – partly or entirely – the premises of the consumer to / from the supply

Clock back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/Clock

[COSEM] This class models the device clock, managing all information related to date and time including deviations of the local time to a generalized time reference (UTC) due to time zones and daylight-saving time schemes

Complex Action Operation Input back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/ComplexActionOperationInput

This class indicates that the parameter needed by the action to operate is complex (i.e., structure)

Cosem Operation Input back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/CosemOperationInput

This class specifies the instance at which a service (get, set or action) is going to be executed by indicating the OBIS code

Day Profile back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/DayProfile

[COSEM] This class represents a list of scheduled actions which are defined by a script to be executed and the corresponding activation time

Day Scheduled back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/DaySchedule

Scheduled actions to be executed at a given time for a day profile

has super-classes
s4grid:executesScriptop exactly 1
s4grid:hasStartTimedp exactly 1
is in domain of
is in range of

Energy Power Property back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/EnergyAndPowerProperty

Class to group those properties related to the energy and power of power lines

Entry Descriptor back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/EntryDescriptor

In the case of a get service of a profile generic class a selective access can be specified. This indicates the range of entries to be retrieved from the profile generic class

Firmware back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/Firmware

[COSEM] This class holds identification information related to administration and maintenance of meters. They are not communication parameters but allow the device management

Get Operation back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/GetOperation

This class is the means of a get service to communicate in a procedure-type manner over the network (i.e. transmit data to/from other devices). It is the –machine interpretable- exposure of a –human understandable- Command to a network

has super-classes
oneM2M:hasInputop exactly 1
oneM2M:hasOutputop exactly 1
is in domain of

Get Operation Data Output back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/GetOperationDataOutput

This class specifies that the output of a get operation is going to be a datatype

has super-classes
s4grid:hasOutputDataTypedp exactly 1
is in domain of

Get Operation Object Output back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/GetOperationObjectOutput

This class specifies that the output of a get operation is going to be a class

Get Operation Output back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/GetOperationOutput

This class specifies the output of a get operation, which can be either a class or a datatype

Get Operation Property Input back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/GetOperationPropertyInput

This class specifies the object/datatype property of an instance from which data is going to be retrieved by indicating the name of the object/datatype property

Get Service back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/GetService

This class is a representation of a get function to a network that makes the function discoverable, registerable, remotely controllable by other devices in the network

has super-classes

Meter back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/Meter

Metering device that remotely records real electricity consumption. This device allows to control all the information regarding consumption for any time range, automatically and remotely

Meter Property back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/MeterProperty

Class to group those properties related to electric grid meters

Network Interface back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/NetworkInterface

[COSEM] This class holds the MAC address of the physical device (or, more generally, of a device or software). There shall be an instance of this class for each network interface of the physical device

has super-classes
s4grid:hasMACAddressdp exactly 1
is in domain of
is in range of

Power Line back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/PowerLine

Interconnected network for electricity delivery from producers to consumers

has super-classes

Preset Adjusting Time back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/PresetAdjustingTime

This class represents the parameters that are needed by a clock to modify its time

Profile Generic back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/ProfileGeneric

[COSEM] This class provides a generalized concept allowing to store, sort and access data groups or data series, called capture objects. Capture objects are appropriate attributes or elements of (an) attribute(s) of COSEM objects. The capture objects are collected periodically or occasionally

Property Value back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/PropertyValue

A value (which may have a unit of measurement) that is related to a property which is not observable by the meter (i.e., is not a measurement)

Quality Property back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/QualityProperty

Class to group those properties related to the quality of power lines

Range Descriptor back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/RangeDescriptor

In the case of a get service of a profile generic class a selective access can be specified. This indicates the range of values to be retrieved from the profile generic class

Regular Day Profile back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/RegularDayProfile

This class represents normal dates

has super-classes

Script back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/Script

[COSEM] Lists of actions to be executed by the meter

has super-classes
is in range of

Script Table back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/ScriptTable

This class allows modelling the triggering of a series of actions by executing scripts

is in domain of
is in range of

Season Profile back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/SeasonProfile

[COSEM] This class represents a season which is defined by its starting date and a specific day profile to be executed

Selective Access back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/SelectiveAccess

The get operations property-related services typically reference the entire property. However, in the case of certain properties, selective access to only part of the property may be provided

Set Operation back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/SetOperation

This class is the means of a set service to communicate in a procedure-type manner over the network (i.e. transmit data to/from other devices). It is the –machine interpretable- exposure of a –human understandable- Command to a network

has super-classes
oneM2M:hasInputop exactly 1

Set Operation Data Input back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/SetOperationDataInput

This class specifies that just the range of a datatype property of the instance is going to be modified

Set Operation Obis Input back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/SetOperationObisInput

This class specifies that the whole instance is going to be modified

Set Operation Object Input back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/SetOperationObjectInput

This class specifies that just the range of an object property of the instance is going to be modified

Set Service back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/SetService

This class is a representation of a set function to a network that makes the function discoverable, registerable, remotely controllable by other devices in the network

has super-classes

Simple Action Operation Input back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/SimpleActionOperationInput

This class indicates that the parameter needed by the action to operate is simple (i.e., integer, string, etc)

has super-classes
s4grid:hasActionValuedp exactly 1
is in domain of

Single Scheduled Action back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/SingleScheduledAction

[COSEM] This class allows modelling the execution of periodic actions within a meter; such actions are not necessarily linked to tariffication

has super-classes
s4grid:executesScriptop exactly 1
is in domain of
is in range of

Special Day Entry back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/SpecialDayEntry

This class represents the parameters that are needed by an activity calendar for adding a new special day

Special Day Profile back to ToC or Class ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/SpecialDayProfile

[COSEM] This class allows defining special dates. On such dates, a special switching behaviour overrides the normal one

has super-classes
s4grid:hasSpecialDayDatedp exactly 1
is in domain of

Object Properties

executes script back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/executesScript

[COSEM] Defines the script to be executed

has range

has active season profile back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasActiveSeasonProfile

[COSEM] Contains a list of active season profiles. These season profiles form an active calendar

has activity calendar back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasActivityCalendar

The activity calendar of a meter

has domain
has range

has clock back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasClock

The clock of the meter

has domain
has range

has day profile back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasDayProfile

[COSEM] Day profile for every day of the week of a season

has day schedule back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasDaySchedule

The day schedule of a day profile

has domain
has range

has firmware back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasFirmware

The firmware of the meter

has domain
has range

has friday profile back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasFridayProfile

It defines the day profile valid each Friday of the season

has super-properties

has monday profile back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasMondayProfile

It defines the day profile valid each Monday of the season

has super-properties

has network interface back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasNetworkInterface

The network interface of the meter

has domain
has range

has passive season profile back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasPassiveSeasonProfile

[COSEM] Contains a list of passive season profiles. These season profiles form a passive calendar

has profile generic back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasProfileGeneric

The profile generic of a meter

has domain
has range

has property back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasProperty

A relationship between a property value and the property it relates to

has domain
has range

has property value back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasPropertyValue

The property value of a meter

has domain
has range

has saturday profile back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasSaturdayProfile

It defines the day profile valid each Saturday of the season

has super-properties

has script table back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasScriptTable

The script table of a meter

has domain
has range

has selective access back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasSelectiveAccess

The selective access of a profile generic get service

has single scheduled action back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasSingleScheduledAction

The single scheduled action of a meter

has special day profile back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasSpecialDayProfile

It defines when there is a festivity and therefore a normal day behaves as a special date

has super-properties

has sunday profile back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasSundayProfile

It defines the day profile valid each Sunday of the season

has super-properties

has thursday profile back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasThursdayProfile

It defines the day profile valid each Thursday of the season

has super-properties

has tuesday profile back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasTuesdayProfile

It defines the day profile valid each Tuesday of the season

has super-properties

has unit back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasUnit

A relationship identifying the unit of measure used for a certain property value

has wednesday profile back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasWednesdayProfile

It defines the day profile valid each Wednesday of the season

has super-properties

related clock back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/relatedClock

The clock that is captured by a profile generic

has domain
has range

related measurement back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/relatedMeasurement

The measurement that is captured by a profile generic

related property value back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/relatedPropertyValue

The property value that is captured by a profile generic

stores script back to ToC or Object Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/storesScript

[COSEM] Specifies the different scripts which are stored in a script table

has domain
has range

Data Properties

has action value back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasActionValue

It specifies the input of a method from the instance (COSEM object) of a class. The value of this property conforms to a simple type (not a structure)

has activate passive calendar time back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasActivatePassiveCalendarTime

[COSEM] Defines the time when the passive calendar will be activated

has calendar name active back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasCalendarNameActive

[COSEM] Used defined name identifying the passive calendar. Typically contains an identifier of the active calendar (currently active), which is descriptive to the set of scripts activated by the object

has domain
has range

has calendar name passive back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasCalendarNamePassive

[COSEM] User defined name identifying the passive calendar. Typically contains an identifier of the passive calendar (will be activated), which is descriptive to the set of scripts activated by the object

has domain
has range

has capture period back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasCapturePeriod

[COSEM] The capturing period of a profile generic in seconds. If its value is 0, then there is not automatic capturing; capturing is triggered externally or through capture events occur asynchronously. If its value is greater than 0, then automatic capturing is assumed

has domain
has range

has clock base back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasClockBase

[COSEM] Defines where the basic timing information comes from: (0) not defined, (1) internal crystal, (2) mains frequency 50 Hz, (3) mains frequency 60 Hz, (4) GPS (global positioning system), (5) radio controlled

has domain
has range

has control mode back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasControlMode

[COSEM] Configures the behaviour of the disconnect control object for all triggers, i.e. the possible state transitions

has domain
has range

has control state back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasControlState

Shows the internal state of the disconnect control object: (0) Disconnected, (1) Connected, (2) Ready for reconnection

has domain
has range

has day id back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasDayId

It defines the unique identifier of a day

has domain
has range

has daylight savings begin back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasDaylightSavingsBegin

[COSEM] Defines the local switch date and time when the local time starts to deviate from the normal time

has domain
has range

has daylight savings deviation back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasDaylightSavingsDeviation

[COSEM] Contains the number of minutes by which the deviation in generalized time shall be corrected at daylight savings begin

has domain
has range

has daylight savings enabled back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasDaylightSavingsEnabled

[COSEM] Enable and disable the daylight savings time feature

has domain
has range

has daylight savings end back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasDaylightSavingsEnd

[COSEM] Defines the local switch date and time when the local time ends to deviate from the local normal time

has domain
has range

has execution time back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasExecutionTime

[COSEM] Specifies the time and the date when the script is executed

has firmware version back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasFirmwareVersion

[COSEM] Textual description of the firmware version running on the device

has domain
has range

has index back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasIndex

It defines the index of the special day

has input data type back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasInputDataType

It identifies the type of the attribute of an instance (COSEM object) of a class from which the data is going to be obtained. The value of this property conforms to the range of a datatype property of SAREF4GRID

has input object type back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasInputObjectType

It identifies the type of the attribute of an instance (COSEM object) of a class from which the data is going to be obtained. The value of this property conforms to the range of an object property of SAREF4GRID

has range

has m a c address back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasMACAddress

[COSEM] Holds the MAC address

has domain
has range

has obis back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasObis

[COSEM] It identifies the instance (COSEM object) of a class. The value of this property conforms to OBIS. OBject Identification System (OBIS) provides a unique identifier for all data within the metering equipment, including not only measurement values, but also abstract values used for configuration or obtaining information about the behaviour of the metering equipment

has range

has output data type back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasOutputDataType

It identifies the type of the attribute of an instance (COSEM object) of a class from which the data is going to be obtained. The value of this property conforms to the range of a datatype property of SAREF4GRID

has output object type back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasOutputObjectType

It identifies the type of the attribute of an instance (COSEM object) of a class from which the data is going to be obtained. The value of this property conforms to the range of an object property of SAREF4GRID

has output state back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasOutputState

[COSEM] Shows the actual physical state of the device connection to the supply: (True) Connected, (False) Disconnected

has domain
has range

has preset time back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasPresetTime

It pre-sets the clock time to a new value

has product id back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasProductId

[COSEM] Vendor-assigned unique identifier for the specific product

has domain
has range

has season profile name back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasSeasonProfileName

[COSEM] User defined name identifying the current season profile

has domain
has range

has season start back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasSeasonStart

[COSEM] Starting time of the season profile. The current season profile is terminated by the starting time of the next season

has special date back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasSpecialDate

It defines the date at which a normal day is considered a special date

has domain
has range

has special day date back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasSpecialDayDate

Dates at which a normal day is considered a special date (i.e., Christmas)

has domain
has range

has start time back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasStartTime

[COSEM] Time when the script is going to be executed

has domain
has range

has status back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasStatus

[COSEM] Status of the clock

has domain
has range

has time back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasTime

[COSEM] Meter’s local date and time

has domain
has range

has time zone back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasTimeZone

[COSEM] The deviation of local, normal time to UTC in minutes. The value depends on the geographical location of the meter

has domain
has range

has validity interval end back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasValidityIntervalEnd

It defines the end of a validity interval within which the new time can be activated

has validity interval start back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasValidityIntervalStart

It defines the start of a validity interval within which the new time can be activated

has value back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasValue

A relationship defining the value of a certain property which is not observable by the meter

has vendor id back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/hasVendorId

[COSEM] Unique vendor identifier assigned by the PRIME Alliance

has domain
has range

obtain from entry back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/obtainFromEntry

It defines the first entry to be retrieved from a profile generic

obtain from value back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/obtainFromValue

It restricts the range of entries to be retrieved from a profile generic defining the oldest or smallest entry to retrieve

obtain input for property back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/obtainInputForProperty

It identifies the attribute of an instance (COSEM object) of a class from which the data is going to be obtained. The value of this property conforms to and object property or datatype property of SAREF4GRID

has range

obtain input from obis back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/obtainInputFromObis

It identifies the instance (COSEM object) of a class from which the data is going to be obtained. The value of this property conforms to OBIS

obtain to entry back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/obtainToEntry

It defines the last entry to be retrieved from a profile generic

obtain to value back to ToC or Data Property ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/obtainToValue

It restricts the range of entries to be retrieved from a profile generic defining the newest or largest entry to retrieve

Named Individuals

Active Energy back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/ActiveEnergy

Property of the power line indicating its active energy

Active Power back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/ActivePower

Property of the power line indicating its active power

Apparent Power back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/ApparentPower

Property of the power line indicating its apparent power

Billing Period back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/BillingPeriod

Property of the meter that indicates the period in which a given billing is being applied

Current back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/Current

Property of the power line indicating its current

Demand Register back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/DemandRegister

Property of the power line indicating its demand register

Duration Long Power Failure back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/DurationLongPowerFailure

Property of the power line indicating the duration of the long power failures detected

Duration Voltage Sag back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/DurationVoltageSag

Property of the power line indicating the duration of the voltage sags detected

Duration Voltage Swell back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/DurationVoltageSwell

Property of the power line indicating the duration of the voltage swells detected

Long Power Failures Number back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/LongPowerFailuresNumber

Property of the meter indicating the number of long power failures detected

Manufacturer back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/Manufacturer

Property of the meter indicating its manufacturer information

Network back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/Network

Property of the meter indicating its network information

Phase back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/Phase

Property of the meter indicating its phase

Phase Angle back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/PhaseAngle

Property of the meter indicating its phase angle

Power Factor back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/PowerFactor

Property of the power line indicating its power factor

Power Limit back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/PowerLimit

Property of the meter indicating its power limit

Power Quality back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/PowerQuality

Property of the meter indicating its power quality

Profile Status back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/ProfileStatus

Property of the meter indicating its profile generic status

Quadrant back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/Quadrant

Property of the meter indicating its quadrant

Reactive Energy back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/ReactiveEnergy

Property of the power line indicating its reactive energy

Reactive Power back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/ReactivePower

Property of the power line indicating its reactive power

Screen Display back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/ScreenDisplay

Property of the meter indicating information about its screen

Threshold back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/Threshold

Property of the meter indicating a threshold limit

Time Threshold back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/TimeThreshold

Property of the meter indicating the time outside a threshold

Transformer Ratio back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/TransformerRatio

Property of the meter indicating the transformer turn ratio

Voltage back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/Voltage

Property of the power line indicating its voltage

Voltage Sag Number back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/VoltageSagNumber

Property of the meter indicating the number of voltage sags detected

Voltage Swell Number back to ToC or Named Individuals ToC

IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4grid/VoltageSwellNumber

Property of the meter indicating the number of voltage swells detected

This documentation page was generated automatically using SPARQL-Generate, developed by Maxime Lefrançois. The SAREF public portal, the SAREF sources with continuous integration and deployment, the SAREF Pipeline software, and ETSI Technical Specification TS 103 673 v1.1.1 "SAREF Development Framework and Workflow, Streamlining the Development of SAREF and its Extensions", have been developed in the context of the ETSI STF 578, which followed the ETSI STF 556.