@prefix s4lift: <https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/> .
PREFIX s4lift: <https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/>
SAREF4LIFT is an ontology that extends SAREF for the Smart Lifts domain. This SAREF extension is based on a limited set of use cases and existing data models identified within available initiatives that was detailed in previous documents ETSI TR 103 546 [i.1] and ETSI TS 103 735 [i.2]. The development of SAREF4LIFT has been conducted in the context of the STF 602, which was established with the goal of creating SAREF extension for the domain mentioned above, i.e. Smart Lifts. This work has been developed in close collaboration with the industrial world and alliances.
One of the tasks of STF 602 consists of specifying and producing the extension of SAREF for the aforementioned domain based on the requirements resulting from previous initiatives. The related initiatives and use cases considered for the development of the SAREF4LIFT extension are the ones reported previously in ETSI TR 103 546 [i.1] and ETSI TS 103 735 [i.2]. Such related initiatives and use cases are not repeated in this document. Hence, the reader can rely on those references for further details.
The prefixes and namespaces used in SAREF4LIFT and in the present document are listed in the Namespace Declarations section
SAREF4LIFT has been specified and formalised by investigating related resources in the smart lifts domain, as reported in ETSI TR 103 546 [i.1] and ETSI TS 103 735 [i.2]. Therefore, SAREF4LIFT shall both:
SAREF4LIFT is an OWL-DL ontology. For embedded semantic analytics purposes, SAREF4LIFT shall be designed using the modularity principle and can thus be mainly described by a set of knowledge modules. All these SAREF4LIFT modules are fully detailed below.
Figure 1 presents the high level view of the envisioned model of SAREF4LIFT ontology. In Figure 1, classes directly imported from SAREF ontology are in light orange, classes directly imported from other SAREF extension ontologies are in green. While, classes developed for SAREF4LIFT are in blue.
Within Figure 1, as well as within all the figures that are depicted in this documentation, the following conventions are used:
SAREF4LIFT is an OWL-DL ontology and shall be designed using the modularity principle (see ETSI TR 103 510 [i.4]) and can thus be mainly described by the following self-contained knowledge modules:
Besides the four module described above, the SAREF4LIFT extension defines also two new property types (s4lift:Load and s4lift:Voltage) defining the load in the smart lift car and the electric voltage of some electric power system.
This module specializes the SAREF4SYST ontology pattern for the Smart Lift domain.
A Smart Lift system can be defined as a s4syst:System made by different components. This module defines the subcomponents that are part of Smart Lift. In particular, two subcomponents are denoted: the s4lift:SmartLiftEdgeComponent and the s4lift:SmartLiftEdgeControlUnit. The former is dedicated to the hosting of smart lift additional modules in the case that they are not hosted directly in the s4lift:SmartLiftEdgeControlUnit. An example could be the case of an additional earthquake sensor added after the lift deployment and not controlled by the s4lift:SmartLiftEdgeControlUnit. The latter is the main element of a Smart Lift installation and it is typically associated with the lift control cabinet.
A s4lift:SmartLiftInstallation corresponds to a single lift, with all its elements. Such a concept is equipped with the list of properties shown in Figure 2. Seven types of installations are considered relevant for this extension: namely s4lift:AccessibleGoodsOnlySmartLift as per EN 81-31 [2], s4lift:AccessibleGoodsOnlySmartLift as per EN 81-72 [3], s4lift:GoodsSmartLift, and s4lift:MachineRoomLessSmartLift, s4lift:PassengerAndGoodsPassengerSmartLift as per EN 81-20 [4], s4lift:SmartLiftWithoutEmergencyCallSupport, s4lift:VerticalSmartLiftingPlatform as per EN 81-41 [5]. All these concepts represent a type of smart lift that can be instantiated by the ontology.
A s4lift:SmartLiftGroup represents the correlation of multiple Smart Lifts Installation and it is supported by the introduction of a Smart Lift Group identifier common each Smart Lifts Installation belonging to the same Smart Lift Group. Such kind of installations usually presents control units connected one each other to coordinate the movement and position of the different lifts, where the common commands (e.g. the call buttons) are given to one of these control units that acts as a principal master and coordinates the other installations or is composed by peer installations that coordinates one each other.
A s4lift:SmartLiftCar represents the car of a Smart Lift. A s4lift:SmartLiftInstallation usually contains different s4lift:CarStopSpaces serving different spaces of different floors at s4lift:Smart LiftCarService. A s4lift:SmartLiftCar can connect to some s4bldg:BuildingSpace through some s4lift:SmartLiftCarService at some s4lift:DoorConnectionPoint.
A s4lift:Network is the class of communication networks. Systems can connect to other networks through a potential s4lift:NetworkAccess connection.
This model specifies the list of commands that is considered relevant for the smart lift domain. Six new defined commands that are subsumed by the saref:Command concept that can be triggered, in turn, by a saref:Function as presented in Figure 3:
This module defines states that features of interest in a smart lift installation can be found in, and measurements that can be made about features of interest in a smart lift.
This module describes the types of signals that can be read from a smart lift console. Figure 5 shows the taxonomy of the relevant types of signals foreseen within this extension.
It is possible to observe a set of four main types of signals:
Descendants of the s4lift:Signal inherit the saref:hasTimestamp, saref:isAbout, and s4lift:conveys properties defining the timestamp when the signal has been generated, the features of interest that the signal is about, and the states or measurements conveyed, respectively.
This clause shows different examples of how to instantiate the SAREF4LIFT extension of SAREF.
The example presented in Figure 6 demonstrates how to represent information from group name SLIdentification as described in ETSI TS 103 735 [i.2], Clause 6.2a.
There are two new global identifiers of respective smart lifts installations defined (mailto:lift.1415@company1.com
and mailto:lift.1416@company1.com
) and the global identifier of the associated group (mailto:group.10354@company1.com
Through the object properties s4lift:isMasterInGroup and s4lift:isSecondaryinGroup it is possible to define the importance level of each identifier.
The example presented in Figure 7 demonstrates how to represent administrative information associated with a s4lift:SmartLiftInstallation as described in ETSI TS 103 735 [i.2], Clause 6.3.
The individual mailto:lift.1415@company1.com
is subclass of both s4lift:SmartLiftInstallation and s4lift:PassengerAndGoodsPassengerSmartLift concepts in order to specify precisely the type of smart lift. Then, data properties describing the installation are provided and associated with it.
Finally, the example presented in Figure 8 demonstrates how to represent information from group name SLInstallation as described in ETSI TS 103 735 [i.2], Clause 6.4.
As shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7, the installation labelled as mailto:lift.1415@company1.com
is associated with the respective group and the related administrative information are defined.
Here we show how the load capacity is defined through the definition of a the s4lift:carloadlimit property (linked through the s4lift:hasCarLoadLimit object property) that is associated with the related saref:Measurement (s4lift:CarLoadLimitMeasurement).
Then, both the main power supply and the standard power supply are defined.
The s4lift:mainPowerSupply individual instantiates both the s4lift:ElectricalConnectionPoint and s4lift:ThreePhaseConnectionPoint concepts, it is associated with the measure property (s4lift:mainPowerSupplyVoltage) that in turn relates to the saref:Measurement individual s4lift:mainPowerSupplyVoltageMeasurement.
Similarly, the s4lift:standardPowerSupply individual instantiates both the s4lift:ElectricalConnectionPoint and s4lift:SinglePhaseConnectionPoint concepts, it is associated with the measure property (s4lift:standardPowerSupplyVoltage) that in turn relates to the saref:Measurement individual s4lift:standardPowerSupplyVoltageMeasurement.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/AccessibleGoodsOnlySmartLift
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/AlarmInTheCarState
State of a device when the alarm in a car has been activated.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/AlarmInTheMachineryState
State of a device when the alarm in the machinery has been activated.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/AlarmInTheRoofState
State of a device when the alarm in the roof has been activated.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/AlarmInTheWellState
State of a device when the alarm in the well has been activated.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/AlarmSignal
High priority signal used to attract the operator’s attention to important deviations or abnormal events in system operation (from ISO 11064-5)
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/AlarmState
State of a device when a high priority signal is used to attract the operator’s attention to important deviations or abnormal events in the device operation.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/AlarmVoiceCommunicationState
State of a device when alarm voice communication has been activated. In UE and other applicable countries alarms shall comply to EN 81-28
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/BatteryPowerState
The state of a battery power supply.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/CarInUnlockingSpaceState
The state of a lift where the car is in some door unlocking building space.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/CarStopSpace
The class of building spaces where smart lift car can stop to enable doors opening unlocking
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/CriticalBatteryPowerState
The state of a system whose battery is in operating in critically reduced capability. For an emergency battery of a Smart Lift, a battery in critical state still has the power to send the car to the closest floor in case in failure, but needs to be replaced. For an emergency battery of a SOS Alarm system, the battery still has the power to sustain the alarm system active for the minimum time defined by applicable regulation, but needs to be replaced;
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/DetectedLoadState
The state of a device that detected load. For example when at least one person is in the smart lift car.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/DirectCurrentConnectionPoint
The class of electrical connection points through which energy flows using direct current.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/DoorConnectionPoint
The class of door connection points, which have an open or close state. Smart Lift Car has some door connection points. A connection between building spaces can be at a door connection point.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/DownwardTravelsStatistics
Total counter of the number of downward travels since the last reset. As per concept historyPeriodic in ISO 16484-5
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/ElectricPowerSystem
The class of electric power systems, i.e., systems that exchange electricity (i.e., electric power) with other systems.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/ElectricalConnectionPoint
The class of electrical connection points of electric power systems, at which they may be electricaly connected to other systems.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/ElectricalDevice
The class of devices with electrical principle of functioning.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/EmergencyPowerSupplyState
The state of a device that is using the emergency power supply.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/FaultSignal
A signal describing some fault.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/FireOperationState
The state of a device that is subject to fire operation, according to EN 81-73 (EN 81-77 for anti-seismic lifts).
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/FirefightersSmartLift
The class of Firefighters Smart Lifts, as per [EN 81-72].
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/FloodInTheWellState
The state of a lift where a flood is detected in the well.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/GoodBatteryPowerState
The state of a system whose battery is in good operating conditions.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/GoodsSmartLift
The class of Smart Lifts that are used for goods.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/HydraulicDevice
The class of devices with hydraulic principle of functioning.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/InspectionOperationState
The state of a device that is subject to inspection operation by the maintenance technician
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/InsufficientBatteryPowerState
The state of a system whose battery has insufficient capability. For an emergency battery of a Smart Lift, a battery in insufficient state does not have the power to send the car to the closest floor in case in failure; It needs to be urgently replaced. For an emergency battery of a SOS Alarm system, the battery does not have the power to sustain the alarm system active for the minimum time defined by applicable regulation; It needs to be urgently replaced. In UE and other applicable countries such minimum time is at least one hour (as required by EN 81-28).
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/Load
A saref:Property related to the load carried by a device.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/MachineRoomLessSmartLift
The class of smart lifts which do not require a machine room.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/MainBoardResetCommand
A type of command to initiate the board reset
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/MovingDirectionState
A type of state
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/MovingDownwardDirectionState
The state of a device that is moving in the downward direction
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/MovingUpwardDirectionState
The state of a device that is moving in the upward direction
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/Network
The class of communication networks.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/NetworkAccess
Network accesss is a connection capability between a system and a network.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/NumberOfCallsStatistics
Total counter of the number of calls since the last reset. As per concept historyPeriodic in ISO 16484-5
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/NumberOfFaults
Number of faults.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/NumberOfResetSequencesStatistics
Total counter of the number of reset sequences since the last reset. As per concept historyPeriodic in ISO 16484-5
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/OutOfServiceState
The state of a device that is out of service.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/OverloadedState
The state of a device that is overloaded.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/PassengerAndGoodsPassengerSmartLift
The class of passenger and goods passenger lifts, as per [EN 81-20].
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/PossibleSmartLiftCarService
A possible connection between a car stop space of a smart lift installation, a building space it can serve, and the door of the smart lift car used to serve this building space.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/PowerSupplyState
A type of state.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/RealTimeModeState
The state of a device when the real time mode is active.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/ReservedServiceState
The state of a device when the reserved operation is on run. For Smart Lifts it is typically related to the use of a key or a proximity badge to reach a specific floor(s) or service(es). Some examples of reserved operation are the access to a hotel guest to the room floor, of the housekeeper to a floor (or a service door) to access a personnel-only area, the access of surgical room area in a hospital, etc.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/SendCarToSpecificServiceCommand
A type of command to call the car to a specific service.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/SetOutOfServiceCommand
A type of command to set the lift in Out of Service mode.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/SetRealTimeModeCommand
A type of command to set the real time mode on or off.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/Signal
The class of signals that are conveying some information (e.g., Measurement, State) about a Feature of Interest, at some timestamp.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/SinglePhaseConnectionPoint
A single phase connection point is a connection point composed of two wires (plus the protective earth):
- wire for the phase;
- wire for the neutral.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/SmartLiftCar
The car of a smart lift installation.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/SmartLiftCarService
A connection between a car stop space of a smart lift installation, a building space it can serve, and the door of the smart lift car used to serve this building space.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/SmartLiftEdgeComponent
A Smart Lift Edge Component is dedicated to the hosting of smart lift additional modules in the case that they are not hosted directly in the Smart Lift Edge Control Unit. An example could be the case of an additional earthquake sensor added after the lift deployment and not controlled by the Smart Lift Edge Control Unit.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/SmartLiftEdgeControlUnit
A Smart Lift Edge Control Unit is the main element of a Smart Lift installation and it is typically associated with the lift control cabinet
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/SmartLiftGroup
A Smart Lift Group represents the correlation of multiple Smart Lifts Installation and it is supported by the introduction of a Smart Lift Group identifier common each Smart Lifts Installation belonging to the same Smart Lift Group. Such kind of installations usually presents control units connected one each other to coordinate the movement and position of the different lifts, where the common commands (e.g. the call buttons) are given to one of these control units that acts as a principal master and coordinates the other installations or is composed by peer installations that coordinates one each othe
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/SmartLiftInstallation
A Smart Lift Installation in the Smart Lift System corresponds to a single lift, with all its elements.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/SmartLiftInstallationFaultState
A faulty state of a smart lift. The fault rdf:label shall be one of the values defined in EN 627, (e.g.: "01xx" broken security chain).
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/SmartLiftWithoutEmergencyCallSupport
The class of smart lift installatinos that lack support for emergency call. Emergency call support is typically mandatory in new lifts but may be lacking in old installations.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/StandardPowerSupplyState
The state of a device that is using the standard power supply.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/StatisticSignal
A signal associated to some statistics measurement of a device
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/StatisticsMeasurement
A measurement of some statistics of a feature of interest
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/StatusSignal
A signal associated to some state of a device.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/TestEmergencyNumberCommand
A type of command to test the emergency number
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/TestRideCommand
A type of command to set the test ride state.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/TestRideInExecutionState
The state of a device that is subject to a test ride.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/ThreePhaseConnectionPoint
A three-phase connection point is a connection point composed of four wires (plus the protective earth):
- wires R, S, T, for the phases;
- wire N for the neutral.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/TotalFloorsCoveredStatistics
Total counter of the number of floors covered since the last reset. As per concept historyPeriodic in ISO 16484-5
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/TotalNumberOfOpeningOfDoorStatistics
Total counter of the number of opening of door since the last reset. As per concept historyPeriodic in ISO 16484-5
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/TotalReversalDirectionStatistics
Total counter of the number of reversal directions since the last reset. As per concept historyPeriodic in ISO 16484-5
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/UpwardTravelsStatistics
Total counter of the number of upward travels since the last reset. As per concept historyPeriodic in ISO 16484-5
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/VerticalSmartLiftingPlatform
The class of vertical smart lifting platforms intended for use by persons with impaired mobility, as per [81-41].
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/Voltage
A saref:Property related to some measurements that are characterized by a certain value that is measured in a voltage unit (such as volt or kilovolt).
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/WarnBatteryPowerState
The state of a system whose battery is functionally in operating conditions but shows signs of reduced capability.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/canConnectToNetwork
A relationship between a system and a network it can connect to.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/connectedToEmergencyBattery
A relationship defining the emergency battery of an electric power system.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/containsCar
A relationship between a smart lift installation and its car.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/conveys
A relationship specifying an information (e.g., measurement, state) that is conveyed by a signal
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasAlarmSOSSystem
A relationship defining the alarm SOS subsystem of a system.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasCarService
A relationship between a system and a car service.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasCarTemperature
A relationship between a smart lift installation and the temperature of the smart lift car.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasCarloadLimit
A relationship defining the limit load to be safely carried by the car, as a design parameter.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasChannelBitErrorRate
Channel Bit Error Rate (via AT commands from the module); 0..7 as for RXQUAL defined by ETSI TS 145 008
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasCoverage
Coverage of the network
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasElectricPowerConsumption
A relationship between a feature of interest and its power consumption. If a property of a s4syst:System, or the property of a s4syst:ConnectionPoint thereof, by convention the power consumption is positive if the electric energy enters the system.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasEngineRoomTemperature
A relationship between a smart lift installation and the temperature of the engine room.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasMainPowerSupply
A relationship defining the main power supply of an electric power system.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasReceivedSignalStrengthIndicator
Received Signal Strength Indicator of the network access. (via AT commands from the transmission module):
0: -113 dBm or lower quality;
1: -111 dBm;
2 .. 30: -109 dBm .. -53 dBm;
31: -51 dBm or greater;
99: Not Known or non-detectable.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasShaftTemperature
A relationship between a smart lift installation and the temperature of the shaft.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasStandardPowerSupply
A relationship defining the standard power supply of an electric power system.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasTimeOfConfirmationOfLastPeriodicTest72hAttempt
A relationship to the time of the confirmation of the last periodic test 72h attempt of a lift. In UE and other applicable countries, the periodic test shall comply with EN 81.28
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasTimeOfLastPeriodicTest72hAttempt
A relationship to the time of the last periodic test 72h attempt of a lift. In UE and other applicable countries, the periodic test shall comply with EN 81.28
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasVoltage
A relationship defining the voltage of a feature of interest.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/isGroupedIn
A relationship specifying the smart lift installations grouped into smart lift groups
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/isMasterInGroup
the smart lift installation acts as master for the common capabilities in the smart lift group.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/isPeerInGroup
the smart lift installation is part of an smart lift group and composed by peers smart lift installation respect to the common capabilities.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/isSecondaryInGroup
the smart lift installation acts as depends from the master smart lift installation in the smart lift group for the common capabilities.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasAlarmMonitoringCentre
A relationship identifying the monitoring centre of the alarms, as per [ISO 16484-5: inclusion in Description Property]. The value is expected to be a string or a string with language tag.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasBuildingManager
A relationship identifying the manager of the building where a system is located, as per [ISO 16484-5: inclusion in Description Property]. The value is expected to be a string or a string with language tag.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasCarServices
The number of car services, taking care of the case where the car has multiple doors that give independent access to different locations on a given floor. It is expected to be greater or equal to the number of Car Stops.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasDoorCloseTime
A relationship defining the time spent by an entity (e.g., a lift, a building space, a door) to close its doors
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasDoorOpenTime
A relationship defining the time spent by an entity (e.g., a lift, a building space, a door) to open its doors
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasDoors
The number of door connection points in a building space (e.g., a smart lift car)
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasGeographicLocationValidator
Name of who has provided the validation of the correctness of the geographic location of the system. The value is expected to be a string or a string with language tag.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasInspectionAuthority
A relationship identifying the Authority that is entitled to periodically inspect the system installation and certify its suitability for the intended use, as per [ISO 16484-5: inclusion in Description Property]. The value is expected to be a string or a string with language tag.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasInstallerCompany
A relationship identifying the installer company of a system (e.g., device), as per [ISO 16484-5: inclusion in Description Property]. The value is expected to be a string or a string with language tag.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasLegalOwner
A relationship identifying the legal owner of a system, as per [ISO 16484-5: inclusion in Description Property]. The value is expected to be a string or a string with language tag.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasMainEmergencyTelephoneNumber
Main emergency telephone number to be called in case of emergency. The value is expected to be a URI with the tel: URI scheme as defined RFC 3966.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasMaintenanceCompany
A relationship identifying the maintenance company of a system, as per [ISO 16484-5: inclusion in Description Property]. The value is expected to be a string or a string with language tag.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasManufacturingCompanyRepresentative
A relationship identifying the local representative of the manufacturing company of a system, as per [ISO 16484-5: Profile_Name]. The value is expected to be a string or a string with language tag.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasPlateInformation
An information usually also inscribed on a plate attached to the lift car.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasSecondaryEmergencyTelephoneNumber
Secondary emergency number to be called in case of emergency. The value is expected to be a URI with the tel: URI scheme as defined RFC 3966.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasStops
The number of stops by an entity (e.g., a lift)
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasTelephoneNumber
Number corresponding to the lift communication module to be used for call terminated to the lift car. The value is expected to be a URI with the tel: URI scheme as defined RFC 3966.
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/hasTravelTime
A relationship defining the time spent by an entity (e.g., a lift car) to travel between stops
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/Network2G
The 2G Network
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/Network3G
The 3G Network
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/Network4G
The 4G Network
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/Network5G
The 5G Network
IRI: https://saref.etsi.org/saref4lift/NetworkFixedLine
The fixed line Network
The editors would like to thank the ETSI SmartM2M technical committee for providing guidance and expertise.
Also, many thanks to the ETSI staff and all other current and former active Participants of the ETSI SmartM2M group for their support, technical input and suggestions that led to improvements to this ontology.
Also, special thanks goes to the ETSI SmartM2M Technical Officer Guillemin Patrick for his help.
This documentation page was generated automatically using SPARQL-Generate, developed by Maxime Lefrançois. The SAREF public portal, the SAREF sources with continuous integration and deployment, the SAREF Pipeline software, and ETSI Technical Specification TS 103 673 v1.1.1 "SAREF Development Framework and Workflow, Streamlining the Development of SAREF and its Extensions", have been developed in the context of the ETSI STF 578, which followed the ETSI STF 556.
The class of Smart Lifts that are used for accessible goods only, as per [EN 81-31].