Requirements for SAREF4LIFT

Requirements for the "Car Signal" category
Id Requirement
LIFT-1 Which is the car position? (Floor Number i.e.: -2, -1, 0, 1,...)
LIFT-2 Is the lift direction upward? Yes/No
LIFT-3 Is the lift direction downward? Yes/No
LIFT-4 Is the car in an unlocking zone? Yes/No
LIFT-5 Is there a test ride in execution? Yes/No
LIFT-6 Is there any fault? Yes/No
LIFT-7 Is the lift out of service? Yes/No
LIFT-8 Is the lift overloaded? Yes/No
LIFT-9 Are there ongoing inspection operations? Yes/No
LIFT-10 Are there fire operations? Yes/No
LIFT-11 Is the car alarm activated? Yes/No
LIFT-12 Is the car empty? Yes/No
LIFT-13 What is the limit load of the lift? 90 kg
LIFT-14 What is the power supply voltage of a lift? 380 volts
LIFT-15 What is the value of the standard power supply of a lift? 12 volts
LIFT-16 How many car stops has the lift? 8
LIFT-17 How many doors are installed in the lift? 2
LIFT-18 How many car services are available in the lift? 8

Requirements for the "Bidirectional Communication System Signal" category
Id Requirement
LIFT-19 Signal related to the periodic test run every 72h has been received.
LIFT-20 The bidirectional communication system signal has been received.
LIFT-21 Which is the network coverage? 87%
LIFT-22 Which is the home network operator of the lift? 289-88
LIFT-23 The types of signals that can be sent by the Bidirectional Communication System are: timeOfLastPeriodicTest72hAttempt, timeOfConfirmationOfLastPeriodicTest72hAttempt, registeredNetworkOperator, networkQualityRSSI and networkQualityBER
LIFT-24 Examples of network technologies supported by the Bidirectional Communication System of the lift are: Fixed_line, 2G, 3G, 4G or 5G
LIFT-25 Which is the telephone number of the lift? 85-755-28568888
LIFT-26 Which are the secondary emergency numbers of the lift? 85-755-28568889, 85-755-28568890, 85-755-28568891

Requirements for the "Power Supply Signal" category
Id Requirement
LIFT-27 Is the emergency power supply signal active? Yes/No
LIFT-28 Is the standard power supply signal active? Yes/No
LIFT-29 Which is the voltage of emergency power? 330 volts

Requirements for the "System Status Signal" category
Id Requirement
LIFT-30 Is the lift out of service? Yes/No
LIFT-31 Is the lift overloaded? Yes/No
LIFT-32 Are there ongoing inspection operations? Yes/No
LIFT-33 Are there fire operations? Yes/No

Requirements for the "Fault Signal" category
Id Requirement
LIFT-34 The lift has a dangerous fault.
LIFT-35 The lift has a minor fault.
LIFT-36 The lift has an audio fault.

Requirements for the "Statistic Signal" category
Id Requirement
LIFT-37 How many times the lift has been called? 245
LIFT-38 How many upward travel the lift did? 167
LIFT-39 How many downward travel the lift did? 153
LIFT-40 Which is the total number of floors covered? 94
LIFT-41 How many times have been executed the reset sequence? 26
LIFT-42 How many times the lift adopted the reversal direction? 4
LIFT-43 How many times the door has been opened? 362
LIFT-44 How many times the lift has been called from the floor X? 46
LIFT-45 How many times the fault event X occurred? 12

Requirements for the "Alarm" category
Id Requirement
LIFT-46 Alarm button has been pressed.
LIFT-47 Alarm has been initiated.
LIFT-48 Alarm voice communication has been activated.
LIFT-49 Alarm in the well is active.
LIFT-50 Alarm in the machinery is active.
LIFT-51 Flood alarm is active.
LIFT-52 Emergency power alarm is active.

Requirements for the "Command" category
Id Requirement
LIFT-53 A lift sends commands
LIFT-54 A command can call to a specific floor.
LIFT-55 A command can send a car to a specific floor.
LIFT-56 A command can set the lift to out of service.
LIFT-57 Which is the opening door time?
LIFT-58 Which is the closing door time?
LIFT-59 A command can test the emergency number.
LIFT-60 A command can test the ride
LIFT-61 A command can start the real time mode
LIFT-62 What is the emergency number?
LIFT-63 Which is the current total travel time?
LIFT-64 A command can initiate the board reset
LIFT-65 There are four emergency battery power status: good, warn, critical and insufficient
LIFT-66 There are four alarm SOS battery power status: good, warn, critical and insufficient

Requirements for the "Smart Lift System" category
Id Requirement
LIFT-67 A Smart Lift Installation is contained into a Smart Lift System
LIFT-68 A Smart Lift Edge Control Unit hosts the different Smart Lift modules
LIFT-69 Examples of Smart Lift modules are signals or bidirectional communication systems

Requirements for the "Smart Lift identification" category
Id Requirement
LIFT-70 Each Smart Lift Installation should be globally and uniquely identified
LIFT-71 Each Smart Lifts Group should be globally and uniquely identified
LIFT-72 Which is the manufacturing lift company? Company1
LIFT-73 Which is the installer lift company? Company2

Requirements for the "Smart Lift administrative information" category
Id Requirement
LIFT-74 Which is the maintenance lift company? Company3
LIFT-75 Who is the building manager of a lift? Company4
LIFT-76 Who is the legal owner of a lift? Company5
LIFT-77 A lift is installed in a geographic location
LIFT-78 The lift geographic location is provided by the geographic location validator
LIFT-79 Examples of types of use of a lift are: Lift, Goods lift, Goods only lift, or Fireman lift