s4ener:hasCreationTime (has creation time)

Defined in https://saref.etsi.org/saref4ener/v1.2.1/ as:

The time instant that defines the creation time of a data point or quantity or forecast or similar entities. This is not the same as the time at which the quantity is in effect. For example, if a temperature is forecasted today at 12:30 (creation time of the forecast) for the following day at 14:45 (time when the temperature is expected to be in effect), the this instant should be 12:30 of today. A creation time (instant). This is the point in time when the data point was created, which is not necessarily the time for which it is valid. In the case of soft-sensors or forecasters, a data point might have been created ahead of time, in the case of a direcet measurement a data point might created at its time of validity (or at the end of its validity time interval) and in the case of an archived value the data point might have been created after the fact.

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